RFID PVC የእጅ አንጓ

RFID PVC wristbands provide wearable access control, cashless payments, and branded promotion for events, the office, and more .RFID PVC wristbands are the ideal product for every need of automatic identification of persons in any situation requiring management and control of access and presence, both in private areas (factories, ቢሮዎች) and public (public administration but also hospitals, camping, playgrounds, theme parks, discos, pubs, ወዘተ.).


ተለይተው የቀረቡ ምርቶች

የቅርብ ጊዜ ዜናዎች

RFID Mifare Bracelet

RFID Mifare Bracelet

RFID Mifare wristband is a convenient and secure identification solution using Mifare chip. It is made of PVC, measures 212*33*15mm, and is available in CMYK/Pantone colors. The wristband is environmentally

Wristband Access Control

Wristband Access Control

The supplier of PVC RFID Wristband Access Control prioritizes customer satisfaction through high-quality products and excellent customer service. The wristbands are waterproof, durable, and feature an integrated RFID chip for

Mifare Wristbands

Mifare Wristbands

Fujian RFID Solutions offers high-quality, waterproof, and cost-effective PVC RFID Mifare Wristbands with 13.56 ሜኸ, NFC, or UHF chips for efficient data reading in various applications. These wristbands are suitable

A row features four Programmable RFID Bracelets, each in vibrant colors: blue, green, yellow, እና ቀይ.

Programmable RFID Bracelet

Programmable RFID bracelets are waterproof, durable, and environmentally friendly NFC wristbands suitable for various applications. They are used in access control, የአባልነት አስተዳደር, payment tracking, and pet/lost tracking. These bracelets

RFID Wristbands with PVC Tag

RFID Wristbands with PVC Tag

ፉጂያን RFID መፍትሔዎች Co., Ltd. offers waterproof RFID wristbands with PVC tags in various sizes and shapes with NFC, 13.56 ሜኸ, or UHF chips. These wristbands can be customized with

ብዙ ሰማያዊ ቀለም የተቀቡ መስኮቶች እና ሁለት ዋና መግቢያዎች ያሉት አንድ ትልቅ ግራጫ የኢንዱስትሪ ህንፃ በጠራራ ስር በኩራት ይቆማል, ሰማያዊ ሰማይ. በ "PBZ የንግድ ፓርክ" አርማ ምልክት ተደርጎበታል," የእኛን "ስለ እኛ" ያካትታል" ዋና የንግድ መፍትሄዎችን የመስጠት ተልእኮ.

ከእኛ ጋር ይገናኙ


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ውይይት ክፈት
ኮዱን ይቃኙ
ሰላም 👋
ልንረዳዎ እንችላለን??
Rfid Tag አምራች [በጅምላ | ኦም | ኦዲኤም]
የግላዊነት አጠቃላይ እይታ

ይህ ድህረ ገጽ በተቻለ መጠን ምርጡን የተጠቃሚ ተሞክሮ ለእርስዎ ለማቅረብ እንድንችል ኩኪዎችን ይጠቀማል. የኩኪ መረጃ በአሳሽዎ ውስጥ ተከማችቷል እና ወደ ድረ-ገፃችን ሲመለሱ እርስዎን ለይቶ ማወቅ እና ቡድናችን የትኞቹ የድረ-ገጹ ክፍሎች በጣም አስደሳች እና ጠቃሚ እንደሆኑ እንዲገነዘቡ መርዳት ያሉ ተግባራትን ያከናውናል.