NFC Wristband For Events


ተለይተው የቀረቡ ምርቶች

የቅርብ ጊዜ ዜናዎች

The NFC Wristband for Events is a black, oval-shaped plastic object with a curved top and flat bottom.

አጭር መግለጫ:

The NFC Wristband for Events is a durable, eco-friendly, and reusable product designed for extreme environments like campuses, amusement parks, and buses. It can function even in water, providing a stable user experience. The wristband can be customized with color printing, numbering, and laser engraving, offering a personalized experience. It is suitable for various events, including fairs, festivals, and cruise lines. The supplier offers efficient production, customizable packaging, fast delivery, free samples, flexible payment options, and quality assurance.

ኢሜይል ላክልን


የምርት ዝርዝር

The NFC Wristband For Events has demonstrated excellent performance in a variety of extreme environments, including campuses, amusement parks, buses, community access control, and field operations. Especially in extremely humid environments, it can still function even if it is immersed in water for a long time. Stable operation to ensure user experience. As for the RFID silicone wristband, its design is even more original, supporting color printing and numbering functions, and can also be laser engraved, providing users with more personalized and diverse choices.

NFC Wristband For Events



  • Constructed from premium silicone, it is non-toxic, eco-friendly, non-corrosive, and biodegradable.
  • Reusable, long-lasting, easy to clean, and perfect for prolonged usage
  • Elastic and soft, convenient to use and wear
  • Water-resistant: ideal for moist settings
  • resistant to high temperatures, shockproof, dustproof, and waterproof
  • Dimensions: 74, 65, 62, እና 55 mm in diameter
  • GJ018 2-wire 77mm-195mm model number
  • Chip: ultra high frequency 860–960 MHz, ከፍተኛ ድግግሞሽ 13.56 ሜኸ, ዝቅተኛ ድግግሞሽ 125 ሜኸ (optional)


Application of RFID silicone wristband

  1. Events that provide an immersive marketing experience, such as fairs, festivals, concerts, etc.
  2. Markets, bars, and nightclubs
  3. Accommodations, vacation spots, and cruise lines
  4. Amusement parks, theme parks, water parks, እና የመዋኛ ገንዳዎች.
  5. Cruise ship
  6. Workouts, athletic activities, football, racing, and bowling
  7. Effective Patient Management in Hospitals

NFC Wristband


Why choose us: Professional, efficient, and high-quality RFID access control product supplier

We are a professional RFID access control product supplier with more than 10 years of experience, committed to providing customers with the best solutions. Here are a few reasons why you should choose us:

  • Efficient production: We have an efficient production process and can produce 1 ወደ 50,000 pieces of products within 7-10 ቀናት, ensuring that your project is completed on time.
  • Customized packaging: We offer flexible packaging options, generally we pack according to the standard of 100 pieces/poly bag, 1000 bags per box, but we also accept customized packaging needs to meet your specific requirements.
  • Fast delivery: We cooperate with internationally renowned express companies such as DHL, TNT, FedEx, UPS, etc. to ensure that your order is delivered within 3-5 የስራ ቀናት, greatly shortening the delivery time.
  • Free samples: In order to give you a more intuitive understanding of the quality of our products, we can provide free samples in stock for you to receive and experience within 3 ቀናት.
  • Flexible payment: We accept a variety of payment methods, including T/T, Paypal, Western Union, ወዘተ., to meet the payment needs of different customers.
  • Professional team: We have a professional team with rich experience in RFID access control product production and solution customization, able to provide you with the best products and services.
  • Quality Assurance: We always adhere to the principle of quality first, and strictly control every aspect from raw material procurement to production, testing, packaging, transportation, etc. to ensure the stability and durability of our products.

መልእክትህን ተው


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ብዙ ሰማያዊ ቀለም የተቀቡ መስኮቶች እና ሁለት ዋና መግቢያዎች ያሉት አንድ ትልቅ ግራጫ የኢንዱስትሪ ህንፃ በጠራራ ስር በኩራት ይቆማል, ሰማያዊ ሰማይ. በ "PBZ የንግድ ፓርክ" አርማ ምልክት ተደርጎበታል," የእኛን "ስለ እኛ" ያካትታል" ዋና የንግድ መፍትሄዎችን የመስጠት ተልእኮ.

ከእኛ ጋር ይገናኙ


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ውይይት ክፈት
ኮዱን ይቃኙ
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ልንረዳዎ እንችላለን??
Rfid Tag አምራች [በጅምላ | ኦም | ኦዲኤም]
የግላዊነት አጠቃላይ እይታ

ይህ ድህረ ገጽ በተቻለ መጠን ምርጡን የተጠቃሚ ተሞክሮ ለእርስዎ ለማቅረብ እንድንችል ኩኪዎችን ይጠቀማል. የኩኪ መረጃ በአሳሽዎ ውስጥ ተከማችቷል እና ወደ ድረ-ገፃችን ሲመለሱ እርስዎን ለይቶ ማወቅ እና ቡድናችን የትኞቹ የድረ-ገጹ ክፍሎች በጣም አስደሳች እና ጠቃሚ እንደሆኑ እንዲገነዘቡ መርዳት ያሉ ተግባራትን ያከናውናል.