Sənaye RFID Həlləri


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Sənaye RFID Həlləri

Qısa təsvir:

RFID Protokolu: EPC Class1 Gen2, ISO18000-6C Tezliyi: ABŞ(902-928MHZ), Aİ(865-868MHZ) IC type: NXP UCODE 8

Memory: EPC 128bits , USER 0bits, TID 96bits

Write Cycles: Minimum 100,000 times

Functionality: Read/write Data Retention: 50 Years Applicable Surface: Metal Surfaces

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Sənaye RFID Həlləri Sənaye RFID Həlləri 01

Functional Specifications:

RFID Protokolu: EPC Class1 Gen2, ISO18000-6C Tezliyi: ABŞ(902-928MHZ), Aİ(865-868MHZ) IC type: NXP UCODE 8

Memory: EPC 128bits , USER 0bits, TID 96bits

Write Cycles: Minimum 100,000 times

Functionality: Read/write Data Retention: 50 Years Applicable Surface: Metal Surfaces

Read Range :

(Fix Reader)

Read Range :

(Əl oxuyucusu)

6.5m , ABŞ ( 902-928MHZ )

6.0m , Aİ ( 865-868MHZ )

3.5m , ABŞ ( 902-928MHZ )

3.5m , Aİ ( 865-868MHZ )

Warranty: 1 Year



Physical Specification:

Ölçü: 41.0×29.0mm, Hole: D2.3mmx4

Thickness: 9.0mm Material: PEEK Colour: Qara

Mounting Methods: ScrewSocket head cap screw(M2) Weight: 15g


MT028 Devil-3000 U2:



MT028 Devil-3000 E2:







Environmental Specification:


IP Rating: IP68, IP69K

Withstand PH: PH0 to PH14,and all other liquid that PEEK can handle with. Storage Temperature: -60°С to +230°С; +260°С 1500 hours.

Operation Temperature: -40°С to +150°С

a.Withstand 280°С for 1000 hours continuously without damage. b.Withstand 260°С for 1500 hours continuously without damage.

c.Withstand -20°С for 8 hours then 260°С for 16 hours per day, 60 days continuously

Reliability testing terms and results:

without damage.

d.Withstand from 150°С to -40°С, 7.5 cycles per day, 80 days continuously with total 600 cycles without damage.

e.Withstand 260°С for 100 hours continuously then soaking in 2m depth water for 48

hours,without seepage or damage.

compression strength: 150Mpa

Certifications: Reach Approved, RoHS Approved, CE Approved, ATEX Approved.




Radiation pattern:

Mesajınızı buraxın


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Çoxsaylı mavi rəngli pəncərələri və iki əsas girişi olan böyük boz sənaye binası qürurla aydın bir binanın altında dayanır., mavi səma. "PBZ Business Park," o, bizim "Haqqımızda" əsas biznes həlləri təqdim etmək missiyası.

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