RF Magnetic 8.2Mhz Sticker

A roll of RF Magnetic 8.2Mhz Stickers designed as transparent adhesive labels with circular patterns on a white background for enhanced functionality.

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The RF Magnetic 8.2Mhz Sticker is compact, allowing it to be applied to various package sizes without affecting product information or brand promotion. It offers visual distancing, preserves goods, and prevents theft. The EAS system operates by installing an antenna at store entrances, triggering an alert if a matching item with an EAS anti-theft tag is present.

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Because of its compact size, the Soft Sensor RF 30mm round label may be applied to almost any package size while yet having little influence on key product information and brand promotion.

  • Offers visual distancing while reducing interference with key product information and brand advertising
  • Preserves goods by labeling them at the production stage, ensuring they arrive shelf-ready.
  • Allows for open retailing while preventing theft

RF Magnetic 8.2Mhz Sticker RF Magnetic 8.2Mhz Sticker01

The EAS system’s operating premise is:

  • Install an EAS antenna at the store entrance. If the thief is carrying a matching item with an EAS anti-theft tag, the antenna will sound and flash an alert as he passes the shop door.
  • This soft tag is radio frequency (Rf), and it can only be used with an RF system.

RF Magnetic 8.2Mhz Sticker02 RF Magnetic 8.2Mhz Sticker03



Product name RF Soft Label
Tezlik 8.2Mhz
Dimension 30mm, 33mm, 40mm
Appearance Barcode/White/Black/Clear/Thermal
Usage Stick on the surface of the goods to anti-theft
Applicable Scope Supermarkets, clothing stores, cosmetic stores, kitabxanalar, retail stores


RF Magnetic 8.2Mhz Sticker04

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Çoxsaylı mavi rəngli pəncərələri və iki əsas girişi olan böyük boz sənaye binası qürurla aydın bir binanın altında dayanır., mavi səma. "PBZ Business Park," o, bizim "Haqqımızda" əsas biznes həlləri təqdim etmək missiyası.

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