RFID Inlay Vərəqi


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RFID Inlay Vərəqi

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RFID KARTLAR məhsulları RFID inlay vərəqindən istifadə edir, which can be customized for antenna, layout, and frequency. The inlay sheet is made using ultrasonic technology, inexpensive pre-winding technique, and flip-chip technology. It can be made in various shapes and sizes, and can be fused with PVC sheets and coated PVC overlays. It offers high read distance and can combine different chip technologies.

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Məhsul təfərrüatı

RFID CARDS products utilize an RFID inlay sheet. Customization is possible for the antenna, layout, and frequency. Cooper winding will improve the stability of the RFID signal.
The essential component of an RFID card is the RFID inlay sheet, also known as the contactless card inlay or RFID card prelim. This plastic card insert is made using three technologies: 1. Ultrasonic technology operates at the highest efficiency. 2. Pre-winding technique is inexpensive. 3. Flip-chip technology has a thinnest thickness and a flat surface.

RFID Inlay Vərəqi



  • Thickness: Low frequency (125KHz) 0.35mm, 0.4mm, 0.45mm, 0.5mm or custom-made
  • High frequency(13.56MHz) 0.5mm, 0.55mm, 0.6mm or custom-made
  • Common layout: 2*5, 3*5, 3*7, 3*8, 4*4, 4*5, 4*6, 4*8, 4*10, 5*5, 6*8, etc.
  • Number of chips: 10, 15, 21, 24, 16, 20, 24, 32, 40, 25, 48, etc.
  • Antenna shape: Round or Oval
  • Method of production: hot press lamination, using PVC or PET materials.


Maddə A4 size 2*5 layout RFID Inlay Sheet 13.56MHz 1K Chip Inlay Sheet Prelam For Smart Card
Tezlik 13.56MHz
Protokol ISO14443A
Reading Distance depend on the Reader and Chip
Sertifikatlaşdırma ISO9001,ISO14001,CE etc
Antenna shape Round, Square, rectangle
encapsulated format COBdefault.

MOA4, 6,8 (Module) Module price and prelim with rfid tags price are different, please contact our sales team to get the latest price.

Antena cooper/aluminum
Available Colors Transparent or White
Printing logo printing Acceptable
Technical support Chip Encoding
Woking times: >100000 times
Temperature -10°C to +50°C
Operating humidity ≤80%
Sample Availability Free samples are available upon request
Packaging 200sheet/carton, or per your requests
Ərizə Mainly for Smart card factory

RFID Inlay Sheet01



  1. Easily make RFID chip cards without specialized machines.
  2. Can be fused with PVC sheets and coated PVC overlays.
  3. Various RFID IC options (HF/LF) are available for alternating use.
  4. Different kinds of materials, including PVC, and PETG.
  5. High read distance optimized for each chip.
  6. Possibility to combine two different chip technologies in one card.
  7. Various chip layouts available: 2×5, 3×6, 3×7, 3×8, 3×10, 4×8, others available on request.


Packing & Delivery

For A4 size 2*5 layout RFID Inlay Sheet 13.56MHz 1K Chip Inlay Sheet Prelam For Smart Card packaging
200 pieces per box and 20 boxes per carton

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