RFID Smart Bin Tags


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A black, dəyirmi, threaded plug with a hexagonal socket on a white background resembles RFID Smart Bin Tags designed for advanced waste management solutions.

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RFID Smart Bin Tags enhance waste management efficiency and environmental sustainability by identifying and tracking garbage streams, sorting quality, container pickup, and weight. They provide real-time tracking of waste stream connections, container sorting, and weight. RFID technology also helps in reducing resource waste and pollution. Available in HF or UHF, they offer reliable performance and compatibility.

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RFID Smart Bin Tags bring significant advantages to waste management systems, which not only improve the efficiency of waste management but also enhance environmental sustainability.
RFID bin tags improve trash management by identifying and tracking garbage streams, sorting quality, container pickup, and weight. These benefits boost trash management efficiency, quality, and sustainability.
RFID Smart Bin Tags



  • ITEM NO: CC001 J2415 RFIDsmart bin tag
  • DIMENSION(+-/5%) 24*15mm
  • Operating Frequency HF: 13.56 Mhz/UHF: mh. 860-960
  • Shell material ABS(Polyvinyl engineering Plastics)
  • Install method Tooth insert
  • Colour colour Black/Red/Blue/Yellow /(customizable)
  • Chip life Write 100,000 times and keep the data for 10 illər
  • Product weight 5g
  • Storage condition -30 ° C to +85 ° C
  • Protection level:
  • The maximum temperature test Temperature85℃
  • 60 s/room temperature temperature can be read normally
  • IP65
  • Work Mode Passive
  • compressive strength
  • Package method Carton (Safe packing)
  • Read distance Reading range:
  • Fixed machine:2.3 meters/Hand-held machine:1.2 metr
  • Machinable process options
  • Support protocol compliance 14443A/15693/IS018000-6C
  • Support chip:
  • NXP:UCODE8\9, NTAG213, MF1-S50, ICODE SIiAlien:Higgs-9 Fudan:F08lmpinj: Monza R6 /M4QT
    (Other chips can be customized)

RFID Smart Bin Tags size


  1. trash stream identification and traceability: RFID bin tags correctly identify trash origins, kinds, and treatment methods, allowing every waste stream connection to be monitored and documented.
  2. Monitor sorting quality: The tags may record waste container sorting in real-time, helping workers ensure correct waste handling and recycling.
  3. RFID technology tracks the number of times a container is collected and its weight.
  4. Variety of technology: Bin and container makers may pick passive contactless transponders of LF, HF, or UHF depending on their demands.
  5. RFID bin tags are waterproof, chemical-proof, shock-proof, and temperature-proof, making them durable in difficult settings.
  6. Bin Tag may be placed and integrated into several conventional nestings, including metal and DIN 30745 plastic boxes.
  7. Waste management agencies may make more scientific and precise judgments by collecting and analyzing RFID bin tag data.
  8. Environmental sustainability: RFID technology accurately classifies and recycles garbage, decreasing resource waste and pollution.

RFID bin tags



  • Available in HF or UHF
  • On-demand encoding and packaging service
  • Reliable performance – 2 year warranty
  • Easily integrated
  • Tamper-resistant
  • Broad compatibility
  • Reliable, consistent performance




  1. Park scenic area: The park scenic area’s features enhance the environment, combine the tourist scenic area’s humanistic and artistic qualities, and lead the green life of the region via its application. Intelligent rubbish can drive design and improve everyone’s aesthetic notion, encouraging scenic area economic development.
  2. Commercial places: Smart trash cans in commercial shopping malls can determine the barrel capacity and provide intelligent services to minimize labor expenses and promote environmental awareness and rubbish sorting.
  3. Theme park or children’s playground: Colorful and elegant smart trash can guidance signs may engage children’s interest, help them properly dispose of waste, raise awareness of garbage sorting, and successfully apply the existing rubbish sorting policy.
  4. Residential recycling and trash sorting: RFID readers and writers capture data in real time and link to the background management platform via the self-organizing network system using the latest Internet of Things technologies. This comprises RFID tags on trash cans (fixed-point barrels, transport barrels), RFID readers and writers on garbage trucks (flatbed trucks, recycling trucks), vehicle RFID tags, and vehicle card readers at the community entry. Thus, a real-time association of information such as the number, quantity, weight, time, and location of garbage bins and trucks can be achieved, allowing full supervision and traceability of garbage community sorting, transportation, and post-processing, ensuring garbage treatment and transportation effectiveness and quality.


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Çoxsaylı mavi rəngli pəncərələri və iki əsas girişi olan böyük boz sənaye binası qürurla aydın bir binanın altında dayanır., mavi səma. "PBZ Business Park," o, bizim "Haqqımızda" əsas biznes həlləri təqdim etmək missiyası.

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