Двучестотен ключодържател


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Четири двучестотни ключодържателя с метални ключодържатели, всяка в сиво, са организирани в решетка две по две върху бяла повърхност.

Кратко описание:

The leading manufacturer of RFID and NFC products offers high-quality Dual Frequency Key Fob, smart cards, and other products. These keychains are made of ABS and silicone materials, ABS is durable and silicone is soft and comfortable. They are used in various industries such as access control, parking, and ticket management. They provide wholesale services and quality assurance to meet the needs of individual and business users.

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Подробности за продукта

As the industry’s leading manufacturer of RFID and NFC products, we focus on providing you with the highest quality Dual Frequency Key Fob, as well as other RFID smart cards, electronic tags, keychains wristbands, and other series of products. Each of our products is equipped with the superior NTAG 213 chip and undergoes strict 100% quality inspection to ensure excellent performance and long-lasting standards. In addition to our standard RFID and NFC products, we also specialize in the production of access control key fobs, which are designed for building and facility access management. Our access control key fobs are compatible with a wide range of access control systems, providing reliable and secure entry for employees and authorized personnel. With our commitment to innovation and quality, we are dedicated to meeting the diverse needs of our clients with a comprehensive range of cutting-edge RFID and NFC solutions.

We provide keychains in two main materials: ABS material and silicone material. ABS keychains are widely praised for their durability, waterproof and dustproof properties; while silicone keychains are loved by users for their soft and comfortable touch and excellent wear resistance. These keychains not only look great but are also functional enough to meet the needs of different industries.

Our RFID key fobs play a vital role in many fields, including but not limited to access control management, parking management, ticket management, etc. Through efficient RFID technology, these keychains can quickly and accurately identify users, enabling fast access and convenient management.

In order to meet the needs of different customers, we have a large inventory of keychains and support wholesale services. Whether you are an individual user or a business user, we can provide you with the best prices and the highest quality products.

Двучестотен ключодържател


Keychain usage:

Keychains have several applications, включително контрол на достъпа, ticketing, card payment, product identification, parking, public transit, identity verification, attendance tracking, and parking lot management.

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Physical characteristics:

  • Materials for keychains: silicone, ABS, etc.
  • NTAG 213 чип, enclosed in a keychain
  • Typical keychain sizes include 40.38*31.5mm, 35.5*28mm, 51.5*32mm, и така нататък.
  • The keychain operates between -20°C and 70°C.


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Features of radio frequency identification technology:

  • Frequency of operation: 13.56 MHz/125 kHz
  • Characteristics of reading and writing: 2–5 cm (relevant to the reader)
  • Size and color possibilities abound, and they may be tailored to meet specific client needs.
  • Unique technology: it is possible to spray serial numbers, ID codes, and designs using silk screen printing.

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typical application:

125khz RFID hotel keychain/13.56 HF RFID keychain/RFID keychain with metal ring are widely used in corporate/campus cards, bus prepaid cards, highway toll systems, shopping malls stores, хотели, болници, parking systems, residential management, контрол на достъпа, управление на присъствието, градски транспорт, subway, recharge card, ID card, medical care, insurance, Internet of Things, etc.

Looking for the ideal contactless key fob for access control manufacturers and suppliers? We offer a variety of merchandise price options to help you get creative. All RFID contactless keychain tags come with quality assurance. We are the original Chinese manufacturer of 125KHz ABS keychains. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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