Ibutton RFID


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Five translucent plastic measuring spoons from the Ibutton RFID collection, each equipped with an RFID tag and available in black, синьо, жълто, червено, и зелени цветове, are arranged in a row.

Кратко описание:

The DS1990A F5 module-equipped Ibutton RFID keychain is a sophisticated RFID chip that provides dependable data transmission and storage capabilities. It allows key fobs to securely exchange information and authenticate with smart devices, access control systems, and security systems. The keychain is available in various colors and is waterproof/weatherproof. It can be customized with logo and graphic customization. The company, based in Fujian, Китай, specializes in RFID wristbands, ключодържатели, cards, етикети, and labels for various industries.

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Подробности за продукта

The DS1990A F5 module-equipped Ibutton RFID keychain is now prepared to enhance your keychain’s intelligence and convenience after meticulous construction. In addition to being very useful, this keychain is available in a range of colors to accommodate the individual preferences of many users.

For iButton keychains, the DS1990A F5 module is a sophisticated RFID chip that can provide dependable and robust data transmission and storing capabilities. It makes it possible for key fobs to quickly and securely exchange information and authenticate with a variety of smart devices, access control systems, and security systems.

Because of its elegant form and small size, the iButton keychain is convenient to take about and install. To have simple access at any time, anyplace, all you have to do is hang it effortlessly on your keychain. Without the need for laborious password typing or key insertion and extraction, you may effortlessly pass through the access control system with just one touch in any setting—office, home, or public.

Furthermore, we provide an array of color choices, such as blue, червено, black, и така нататък, to accommodate the individual requirements of various users. By customizing the color to fit your tastes or application needs, you can give the iButton keychain a distinctive personality.

Ibutton RFID


Ibutton RFID Parameters

Специални функции Водоустойчив / Weatherproof
Communication Interface RFID
Customized support Customized logo and graphic customization
Place of Origin Китай
Brand Name OEM
Product name Ibutton card
Материал ABS+Stainless Steel
iButton Size 16.25*5.89mm
Цвят Black, white, червено, жълто, green, лилаво, etc.
Chip DS1990A-F5, TM1990A-F5,RW1990A,TM01A
Memory 64 bits
ID number Engraved
Working Temperature -40 ~ +85 degree
Приложение Card systems, идентифициране, banking, communications, etc.
Type Touch



ID card and ibutton card reader for copying DS TM 1990 1971 1991 RW1990

1) Chip model: TM1990a, DS1990/RW1990 (DS1990A-F5, TM1990A-F5, DS1990R-F5); can clone TM (DS) smart card
2) The process is easy to use and takes just three seconds to complete a successful copy.
3) Battery-operated, small, buckled, and comfortable to carry.
4) This copier can also read EM cards (ID cards) with a frequency of 125 kHz, like EM4100.
5) EM4100 may also be copied into T5577 or EM4305.


About our company

Our firm is based in Fujian, Китай, and was founded in 2005. A group of enthusiastic and imaginative individuals with extensive RFID trade and manufacturing expertise formed our firm. Our business specializes in creating a wide range of RFID wristbands, ключодържатели, cards, етикети, and labels made of diverse materials and forms. Our tags are extensively utilized in NFC domains, mobile payments, контрол на достъпа, supply chain management, управление на запасите, warehouse logistics management, livestock management, and other related industries. Their frequency ranges from low to ultra-high. Our organization offers technical consulting services and assistance in addition to research and development, manufacture, and sales of RFID tags. Customers may alter the material, shape, and functionality of their hang tags and labels using our customization services.

Our main advantages are:

1. We can create labels in any number or size and provide the most customization options.

2. Over eight years of OEM expertise, excellent quality, and affordable pricing.

3. Quick delivery, high quality, and huge capacity.

4. To provide the greatest goods at the best costs, fully use the benefits of various factories.

5. The best sales staff and expert technical assistance.

6. we strive to provide our clients with the greatest customer service possible since their success is our success.

Продуктови етикети: Ibutton RFID keychain, RFID chip

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Производител на Rfid етикети [Едро | OEM | ODM]
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