RFID Tags For Shipping Containers


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RFID Tags For Shipping Containers

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RFID Tags For Shipping Containers for containers are made with this technology in mind. Through wireless signals, they are able to automatically identify containers and monitor their position and condition. Container RFID tags are becoming a more vital component of the contemporary logistics system due to their high efficiency, convenience, and safety, which significantly raises the intelligence and management level of container transportation.

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RFID Tags For Shipping Containers for containers are made with this technology in mind. Through wireless signals, they are able to automatically identify containers and monitor their position and condition. Container RFID tags are becoming a more vital component of the contemporary logistics system due to their high efficiency, convenience, and safety, which significantly raises the intelligence and management level of container transportation.

RFID Tags For Shipping Containers RFID Tags For Shipping Containers RFID Tags For Shipping Containers

Features and advantages:

  • Effective tracking and management: Real-time monitoring of container locations and the transportation process using RFID tags enhances logistics effectiveness and transportation visibility.
  • No need for manual scanning: RFID tags can read data rapidly and in batches, saving a great deal of time and labor expenses, as opposed to typical barcodes that need to be manually scanned one at a time.
  • Environmental adaptability: To guarantee the proper transmission of container information, RFID tags can function normally in a variety of challenging settings, including high and low temperatures, humidity, и така нататък.
  • Security and anti-counterfeiting: The RFID tag’s chip code, which is globally unique and challenging to duplicate, significantly improves container transportation’s security and anti-counterfeiting capabilities.


Functional Specifications:

RFID протокол: EPC Class1 Gen2, ISO18000-6C Честота: (САЩ) 902-928MHz, (ЕС) 865-868MHz IC type: Alien Higgs-3

Memory: EPC 96bits (Up to 480bits) , USER 512bits, TID64bits

Write Cycles: 100,000 Functionality: Read/write Data Retention: Up to 50 Years Applicable Surface: Metal Surfaces

Read Range :

(Fix Reader)

Read Range :

(Ръчен четец)

150cm – (САЩ) 902-928MHz, on metal

130cm – (ЕС) 865-868MHz, on metal

110cm – (САЩ) 902-928MHz, on metal

90cm – (ЕС) 865-868MHz, on metal

Warranty: 1 Year


Physical Specification:

Размер: Diameter13mm, (Hole: D2mm*2)

Thickness: 2.0mm without IC bump, 2.8mm with IC bump

Материал: FR4 (PCB)

Colour: Black (Red, Синьо, Green, и бяло) Mounting Methods: Adhesive, Screw

Weight: 0.7g



Focus  on the UHF  Special  Tag


MT024 D13U4:


MT024 D13E3:




Environmental Specification:

IP Rating: IP68

Storage Temperature: -40°С to +150°С

Operation Temperature: -40°С to +100°С

Certifications: Reach Approved, RoHS Approved, CE Approved



Заповед information:

MT024 D13U4 (САЩ) 902-928MHz, MT024 D13E3 (ЕС) 865-868MHz

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