
Targeta RFID

RFID cards are used for applications where tracking or identifying personnel is important or where access control is required.RFID cards are perfect for hotels, theme parks, festivals and event organisers looking to enhance their security, site accessibility and revenue all whilst improving customer satisfaction. Various RFID frequency bands are utilized in cards today, fins i tot incloent -hi 125 kHz low frequency proximity, 13.56 MHz high frequency smart card and 860-960 MHZ Ultra-alta freqüència (Uhf).
RFID Inlay Sheet

RFID Inlay Sheet

RFID CARDS products use an RFID inlay sheet, which can be customized for antenna, layout, and frequency. The inlay sheet is made using ultrasonic technology, inexpensive pre-winding technique, and flip-chip

Two white RFID Clamshell Cards with engraved numbers, each featuring a rectangular shape and a small notch on one corner.

RFID Clamshell Card

RFID Clamshell Card made of ABS and PVC/PET materials are durable and customizable. They can be screen printed or offset printed, with a standard size of 85.5541.8mm and a portable

Targetes RFID impreses

Targetes RFID impreses

Printed RFID cards have revolutionized amusement and water park operations, offering secure access control, cashless payments, and shorter wait times. Our team of professionals can assist in selecting the right

Una pila neta de targetes en blanc RFID en blanc, tot blanc.

Targeta en blanc RFID

Les targetes en blanc RFID s'utilitzen en aplicacions que requereixen el seguiment o el control d'accés. Venen en diverses bandes de freqüència, com ara 125 proximitat de baixa freqüència de KHZ, 13.56 Targetes intel·ligents d'alta freqüència MHZ, i…

Una gran nau industrial grisa amb nombroses finestres de color blau i dues entrades principals s'alça orgullosa sota un clar, cel blau. Marcat amb el logotip "PBZ Business Park," encarna el nostre "Sobre nosaltres" Missió de proporcionar solucions empresarials de primer nivell.

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