Polsera de plàstic RFID

RFID lastic wristband with encapsulated RFID inlay, Ideal for use in water. Our RFID wristbands (also referred to as plastic NFC wristbands) have an encapsulated RFID chip, protecting the circuitry and preventing exposure to water. The wristbands are cheap NFC wristband solution, suitable for any event or RFID system. With cashless payments and access control, wristbands with RFID technology take your event to the next level. Explore our custom RFID wristbands for events!


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RFID Wrist Tag

RFID Wrist Tag

The RFID Wrist Tag is a convenient way for hotel guests to wear their key card while enjoying all hotel services. It is tamper-proof, disposable, and durable. It is used

RFID Wrist

RFID Wrist

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RFID Concert Wristbands

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RFID Plastic Wristbands

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RFID Pool Wristband

RFID Pool Wristband

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rfid wristbands for hotels (1)

RFID Wristbands For Hotels

RFID wristbands for hotels are designed to store unique ticket data and are made of 13.56mhz NFC plastic. These wristbands are waterproof, heat-resistant, and environmentally friendly. They are suitable for

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