Proximity Standard Key Tag

HID-compatible proximity tags with 26-bit Wiegand output, seamless integration with existing access systems.


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Two green Leather Proximity Key Fobs with gold metal rings and white stitching are displayed side by side on a white background. A close-up detail of the stitching is shown in an inset image.

Leather Proximity Key Fob

The Leather Proximity Key Fob is a fashionable and practical accessory made of high-quality leather. It integrates with advanced sensing technology for wireless communication with access control systems and vehicle…

Una gran nau industrial grisa amb nombroses finestres de color blau i dues entrades principals s'alça orgullosa sota un clar, cel blau. Marcat amb el logotip "PBZ Business Park," encarna el nostre "Sobre nosaltres" Missió de proporcionar solucions empresarials de primer nivell.

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