RFID Festival Wristbands

Ultra-high frequency festival wristbands with directional antennas, managing 50k+ attendees/hour.


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An RFID Festival Wristband in orange on a white background.

RFID Festival Wristband

The RFID Festival Wristband is a modern, vibrant, and functional wristband that combines traditional holiday festivities with advanced RFID technology. It allows for fast identification of participantspersonal information, making

Una gran nau industrial grisa amb nombroses finestres de color blau i dues entrades principals s'alça orgullosa sota un clar, cel blau. Marcat amb el logotip "PBZ Business Park," encarna el nostre "Sobre nosaltres" Missió de proporcionar solucions empresarials de primer nivell.

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Fabricant d'etiquetes RFID [Majorista | Oem | ODM]
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