Handheld Animal Chip Reader Portable


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The Handheld Animal Chip Reader Portable is a sleek, oval-shaped black device with an enchanting panda logo on top, ideal for convenient handheld use.

Breu descripció:

The Handheld Animal Chip Reader Portable is a lightweight device for animal management, supporting various electronic tag formats and features a high-brightness OLED display. It can read, store, and transmit animal information, making it ideal for pet hospitals, zoos, and scientific research institutions.

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Detall del producte

The Handheld Animal Chip Reader Portable is a portable and lightweight device designed for animal management. It supports a variety of electronic tag formats, has a high-brightness display and built-in storage function, and can easily read, store, and transmit animal information. It is an ideal choice for pet hospitals, zoos, scientific research institutions, and other places.

Handheld Animal Chip Reader Portable


Product Features

  • Small and rounded shape, comfortable to hand, and easy to carry.
  • Support EMID, FDX-B (ISO1784/85), and other formats of electronic tags.
  • Using high-brightness OLED display, it can be clearly displayed in indoor or outdoor bright conditions.
  • Built-in storage function, up to 128 tag information can be stored.
  • It can be uploaded to a computer via a USB data cable, or to the device via wireless 2.4G or

Handheld Animal Chip Reader Portable01


W90E technical parameters
Project Parameter
Model number AR005 W90E
Operating frequency 134.2 Khz/125Khz
Label format EMIDFDX-B(ISO11784/85)
Read and write distance 2~12mm glass tube label> 8cm

30mm animal ear tag > 20cm (related to tag performance).

Standard ISO11784/85
Read time <100ms
Signal Indication 0.91 inch high brightness OLED screen, buzzer
Electricity supply 3.7V(800mAh lithium battery)
Storage capacity 128 messages
Communication interface USB2.0, wireless 2.4G, Bluetooth
Language English

(Can be customized according to customer requirements)

Temperatura de funcionament -10℃~50℃
Temperatura d'emmagatzematge -30℃~70℃
Humidity 5%-95% non-condensing
Product size 126mm×60mm×15mm
Net weight 65g

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