High Frequency RFID Reader


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High Frequency RFID Reader

Breu descripció:

The RS20C is a 13.56Mhz RFID smart card reader with no driver required, a card reading distance of up to 80mm, and stable data. It is widely used in RFID systems for automatic parking management, personal identification, access controllers, and production access control. It has a double color LED and buzzer indicator.

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Detall del producte

RS20C is a high-performance 13.56Mhz RFID smart card reader, with no driver required, a card reading distance of up to 80mm, and not only a simple appearance but also stable and reliable data. Widely used in RFID radio frequency identification systems and projects, such as automatic parking management systems, personal identification, access controllers, production access control, etc..

High Frequency RFID Reader High Frequency RFID Reader01



project parameter
Model RS20C (HF-IC Reader)
Freqüència 13.56Mhz
Support cards MF (S50/S70/Ntag203 etc.etc. 14443A protocols cards)
Output format 10-digit dec (Default output format)

(Allow user to customize the output format)

Mida 104mm×68mm×10mm
Color Negre
Interface USB
Power Supply DC 5V
Operating Distance 0mm-100mm (related to the card or the environment)
Service Temperature -10℃ ~ +70℃
Store Temperature -20℃ ~ +80℃
Working humidity <90%
Read time <200ms
Read interval <0.5S
Weight About 140G
Cable length 1400mm
Material of reader ABS
Operating System Win XP\Win CE\Win 7\Win 10\LIUNX\Vista\Android
Indicators Double Color LED (Red & Verd) and Buzzer

(“Red” means standby, “Green” means reader success)

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RS20C Applications

Automatic parking management: Reading car RFID tags allows rapid and accurate parking charging and administration.
Personal identification: RS20C swiftly verifies personal identity in access control and staff attendance.

Access controller: With the access control system, it can handle entry and exit authority and increase safety and convenience.
Controlling personnel and material entrance and exit in factories and warehouses ensures production order and safety.

High Frequency RFID Reader04 High Frequency RFID Reader05

Common problems and solutions

If RFID tags are not read, verify their validity and proximity to the reader.
Check the reader-computer connection and USB cord for damage.
For testing, switch RFID tags or readers.
Read data error: Verify full and correct RFID tag data.
Verify software RFID parameter settings.
Restart the reader or PC and reconnect.

The aforementioned use advice and precautions will allow you to maximize the RS20C RFID smart card reader’s performance and obtain good results in different RFID applications.

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