Etiqueta de bugaderia RFID PPS


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The description showcases a black RFID PPS Laundry Tag in the form of a circular disc set against a white background, with a shadow underneath.

Breu descripció:

Fujian RFID Solution Co., Ltd. ofereix una varietat d'etiquetes de bugaderia RFID PPS, incloent PPS001 i SIL, adequat per gestionar la roba, llençols, i cadenes de bugaderia. These tags can withstand harsh environments and high temperatures, and are suitable for monitoring administration, amusement parks, hotels, hospitals, warehouses, i cadenes de bugaderia.

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Detall del producte

RFID PPS Laundry Tag are specifically made for managing clothes, llençols, i cadenes de bugaderia. It can be washed and withstand severe environments and high temperatures. To suit varied applications, Fujian RFID Solution Co., Ltd. provides a variety of laundry tag kinds in different sizes and materials. PPS001: crafted from PPS material, this high-quality type comes in a range of sizes starting at 15mm by 2.2mm. SIL: Silicone substance; flexible; available in many sizes and colors.

Etiqueta de bugaderia RFID PPS Etiqueta de bugaderia RFID PPS 01


LF & HF IC Parameters

Freqüència ICs model Read/Write Memory Protocol Brand
125Khz TK4100 R/O 64bit /  
T5577 R/W 363bit ISO11784 Atmel
13.56Mhz MIFARE Classic EV1 1K R/W 1Kbyte ISO14443A NXP
F08 R/W 1K byte ISO14443A Fudan
MIFARE Classic 4K R/W 4K byte ISO14443A NXP
Ultralight EV1 R/W 640bit ISO14443A NXP
NTAG213 R/W 180byte ISO14443A NXP
NTAG216 R/W 888byte ISO14443A NXP
DESFire 2K / 4K /8K R/W 2K/4K/8K byte ISO14443A NXP



  • PPS001 is the part number.
  • Name of Product: Etiqueta de bugaderia RFID PPS
  • Content: PPS
  • Dimensions: 15 x 2.2
  • available colors: Negre
  • Mass: 0.1 grams
  • Keepsake Climate: -40°C to 100°C

Introduction to Product Usage

The following areas may benefit greatly from the use of laundry cards:

  1. Monitoring administration
  2. An amusement park, hotel, hospital, warehouse, or factory
  3. Canvas bags, hospital clothes, llençols, and pallets
  4. Laundromats
  5. Utilize in hotel sheets; affixed to textiles; and worn as work attire
  6. Money Launderers


Our Advantage

  1. Manufacturer direct supplier, factory price, and fast delivery.
  2. Customized design and personalized packaging.
  3. Free Sample for testing.
  4. A wide variety of crafts are offered.
  5. A reputable manufacturer with over 20 years of professional expertise, specializing in RFID wristbands, cards, and tags.

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