RFID Silicone Laundry Tag


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RFID Silicone Laundry Tag

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RFID silicone laundry tags with an industrial design improve performance in high-pressure dehydration and ironing environments. Utilizing ultra-high frequency (UHF) tag technology, they support long-distance batch reading and have 100% reading accuracy. These tags are suitable for water washing, dry cleaning, ironing, and sterilization, and are certified for use in MRI equipment. They offer efficient processing, durability, and low failure rates, making them cost-effective and suitable for various industrial environments.

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Detall del producte

RFID silicone laundry tags with a new industrial design provide better performance in high-pressure dehydration and ironing. This product adopts the most advanced ultra-high frequency (UHF) tag technology, supports long-distance batch reading, and has a reading accuracy of 100%. It can significantly improve the washing process, complete delivery, acceptació, seguiment logístic, and inventory management more accurately and efficiently, significantly improve work efficiency, reduce labor and labor time, and achieve low-cost and high-efficiency management.

RFID Silicone Laundry Tag



  1. Using ultra-high frequency technology, hundreds of tags can be read at a time
  2. Reading distance is greater than 6m
  3. Adopting a new industrial design, it has better reading performance for textiles
  4. Low cost, alta eficiència, and durability, suitable for water washing, dry cleaning, ironing, etc..
  5. Suitable for a 60-bar high-pressure dehydration environment
  6. Suitable for high-pressure sterilization and disinfection
  7. Applicable to international standardsISO/IEC 18000-3 and EPC Gen2
  8. Small soft elastic materials are responsible for non-magnetic materials such as textiles, fur, clothing, and accessories, and can be used in the medical field
  9. 100% non-magnetic. Can be used in the medical field
  10. Certified as a product that meets the requirements of MRI equipment and can be safely used in 1.5 i 3.0 Tesla MRI equipment

RFID Silicone Laundry Tag 01



Efficient processing: UHF technology improves communication performance by reading hundreds of tags at a timeReduces labor costs associated with barcodes or HF RFID tags, providing cost-effective management
Soft and durable: suitable for washing environments such as short-term continuous high-pressure dehydration and ironing
Accurate reading: It reads a large number of tags with a low failure rate, and can accurately and conveniently complete inventory management

*1: General industrial washing conditions, 40-bar high-pressure dehydration
*2: Dry cleaning conditions: up to 10 minutes per time (washing); 30 minutes/time (drying)
*3: 60-bar high-pressure dehydration washing conditions, 100 cycles
*4: Tags have been tested 10 times under strict test conditions specified in JIS L0856
*5: 80 cycles or more, depending on pressurized room conditions




  1. Protocol: ISO/IEC 18000-3 or EPC Gen2
  2. UHF single-chip Monza 4QT 902-928MHz
  3. Dimensions: 55 (width) x12 (depth) x2.5 (height) mm
  4. Weight 2.1g
  5. UHF+NFC dual chip Alien H9 + NTAG213
  6. Tag installation method: sewing, hot pressing, bagging
  7. Working life: 200 cycles of washing/dry cleaning, o 3 years after factory shipment, whichever comes first (*1)
  8. Failure rate: 0.1% (excluding discoloration, bending, deformation, etc., under normal use)
  9. Washing method: water washing, dry cleaning (*2) (polyethylene, hydrocarbon solvent)
  10. High-pressure dehydration pressure resistance: 60bar (*3)
  11. Water resistance: Impermeable
  12. Chemical resistance: detergent, softener, bleach (oxygen/chlorine), strong alkali (*4)
  13. High pressure sterilization resistance: 120 °C, 15-20 minutes 130℃, 5 minutes (*5)
  14. Heat resistance: Dry ironing 200°C (within 10 segons, with a mat between the iron and the label)
  15. Temperature/humidity: Operation -20~50℃, 10~95%RH Safe storage: -30~55℃, 8~95%RH

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