RFID Wristbands For Events


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Close-up of an orange RFID Wristbands For Events, featuring the text "RFID" with signal lines on either side.

Breu descripció:

The RFID Wristbands For Events is a smart accessory designed for events, meetings, and special occasions. Made of high-quality silicone, it offers comfort and durability. It integrates advanced RFID technology for fast and precise information interchange with various devices. Available in various colors, it provides a stylish backdrop for events. The wristband is waterproof, moisture, shock, and high temperature resistant. It can be used in high-humidity settings and is available in various shipping methods.

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Detall del producte

The RFID Wristbands For Events is a smart accessory designed for events, meetings, and special occasions. The high-quality silicone used to make this bracelet is pleasant to the touch and long-lasting, providing comfort and durability for frequent usage. Its features and design have been thoughtfully chosen to balance fashion and beauty while guaranteeing stability while worn.

Advanced RFID technology is integrated into the RFID wristband, enabling fast and precise information interchange with a variety of RFID reading and writing devices. For entry to events, authentication, pagament, and other purposes, this makes the wristband perfect. An easy and quick service experience may be had with RFID wristbands at any event, whether it a big music festival, sporting event, or yearly company conference.

Furthermore, a wide range of colors, including blue, vermell, negre, white, groc, gris, verd, and pink, are available for RFID wristbands. The wristbands are made more fashionable by the vivid colors, which also make it easier for organizers to rapidly identify participants with various categories or licenses. The RFID wristband becomes a lovely backdrop for the event when you choose the right color based on your tastes or the theme of the event.

RFID Wristbands For Events


Product characteristics

  • Closed-loop wristband, flexible, easy to wear, easy to use, waterproof, moisture, shock, and high temperature resistance
  • · Able to package low-frequency chips (125 kHz) such as Hitag 1, Hitag 2, Hitag S, TK4100, EM4200, T5577, i així successivament
  • High-frequency chips (13.56 MHZ) such as FM11RF08, Mifare1 S50, Mifare1 S70, Ultralight, NTAG203, I-CODE2, TI2048, SRI512, and so forth may be packed.
  • Temperatura de funcionament: -30°C to 75°C
  • Application scope: UCODE GEN2, ALIEN H3, IMPINJ M4, and other UHF chips (860MHz-960MHz) may be packaged with it. It is often used in high humidity settings including campuses, amusement parks, buses, community access control, field operations, and even under severe circumstances like prolonged submersion in water.

Packing method

  • Strip weight: 8.8g/ strip
  • Packing: 100 pieces into an OOP bag, 15 OPP bags into a box, that is, 1500 pieces/box
  • Box gauge: 515mm*255mm*350mm, box weight: 1kg/ piece
  • Net weight: 13.2kg/ case
  • Gross weight: 14.2kg/ box

RFID silicone Wristband Application:

A novel method of making payments without using a plastic card is the RFID Pocket Silicone Wristband (Polsera). It may improve and broaden your contactless offering by focusing on new consumer demographics like millennials and sports enthusiasts and taking advantage of commercial prospects in developing industries like stadiums and corporate events.

Shipping Way

  • Strong partnerships exist between us and DHL, FEDEX, TNT, UPS, EMS, Forwarder by SEA, and Forwarder by Air.
    Selecting your own shipment forwarder is another option.
  • Prioritizing quality control in every order is how we make sure our customers get the finest possible product.
    Our personnel will take great care while packing it to prevent damage during transit.
    Every item will be sent out as soon as we can.

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