Bracelets Mifare


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Azken Berriak

Three silicone Bracelets Mifare displayed side by side. From left to right, the colors are blue, horia, and orange—perfect for adding a splash of color to your collection.

Deskribapen laburra:

The RFID Bracelets Mifare is a popular choice in the entertainment industry due to its comfort, security, and customer experience. It is made of silicone and is waterproof, moisture-proof, and shockproof. It is used in high-humidity settings and can be used in various industries. Fujian RFID Solution Co., SL. is a reputable manufacturer with over 20 years of experience in RFID wristbands, smart cards, and tags.

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Produktuaren xehetasuna

The RFID Bracelets Mifare has won widespread market recognition for its comfort, security and extensive customer experience in the highly competitive entertainment industry. The emergence of RFID radio frequency identification technology has revolutionized the way organizations such as amusement parks, water parks, festivals, hotelak, and museums operate. As a pioneer in RFID wristband solutions, our team of experts is dedicated to helping you choose the best RFID wristband for your application needs.

Bracelets Mifare


Produktuaren parametroak

  • Materiala: silicone
  • Specifications: As shown in the picture
    The wristband is closed-loop, flexible, simple to wear, easy to use, waterproof, moisture-proof, shockproof, and resistant to high temperatures.
  • Kolorea: urdina, gorria, beltza, white, horia, grisa, berdea, arrosa, etab.
    Packageable high-frequency chips (13.56MHz): FM11RF08, Mifare1 S50, Mifare1 S70, Ultralight, NTAG203, I-CODE2, TI2048, SRI512, etab.
  • Capable of packaging low-frequency chips (125KHz): TK4100, EM4200, T5577, Hitag 1, Hitag 2, Hitag S, etab. UCODE GEN2, ALIEN H3, IMPINJ M4, and other packageable UHF chips (860MHz-960MHz) have a working temperature range of -30°C to 75°C.
  • Application scope: extensively used in high humidity settings like field operations, buses, amusement parks, campuses, and community access control; may also be utilized regularly in tough situations such as prolonged submersion in water.

Packing method

  • Strip weight: 10.7g/ strip
  • Packing: 100 pieces into an OOP bag, 12 OPP bags into a box, that is, 1200 pieces/box
  • Box gauge: 515mm*255mm*350mm, box weight: 1kg/ piece
  • Net weight: 12.84kg/ box
  • Gross weight: 13.84kg/ box

Bracelets Mifare01 Bracelets Mifare02 Bracelets Mifare size


Reasons to choose us as a manufacturer

With over 20 years of experience in the smart card and RFID label industries, Fujian RFID Solution Co., SL. is a reputable manufacturer of RFID wristbands, smart cards, and tags. We have been concentrating on the research and development as well as the manufacturing of RFID-based Internet of Things devices. We have extensive knowledge in the use of RFID wristbands, smart cards, and tags across a range of industries. We can provide design concepts, manufacturing services, and technical support for RFID smart cards and tags in a variety of sectors since we have a thorough grasp of their usage in a wide range of application situations. As one of the providers of RFID application solutions, we are a conglomerate of product design, R&D, sales, and service. Our products and applications are involved in a wide range of industries, including asset management, cars, medical, veterinary, ticket access control, mobile communications, and container logistics, among others.

Premium RFID wristbands for festivals and events. Obtain free quotations and stock samples! Purchase an assortment of RFID wristbands. Paper, silicone, Tyvek, woven, and PVC ID wristbands. quotation within a day. ISO 9001 certification. Automated Manufacturing. Free test samples are provided. fresh from the factory. brief delivery period.


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