Ear Tag RFID For Sheep


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Ear Tag RFID For Sheep

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Ear Tag RFID For Sheep The sheep ear tag developed using RFID technology provides strong support for identification and traceability during breeding, transportation and slaughter. In the event of an epidemic, this system can quickly trace back to the breeding process of animals, helping health departments track animals that may be infected with diseases and determine their ownership and historical traces. At the same time, the system can also provide instant, detailed and reliable data for animals from birth to slaughter, which provides great convenience for livestock management.

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Ear Tag RFID For Sheep provides an efficient and accurate way to identify and track livestock such as sheep by using RFID ear tags or injectable RFID micro-bottle tags. These RFID ear tags come in a range of colors to suit various demands in addition to being able to be personalized with printed tag data, logos, and ranch names.

Without a doubt, the Ear Tag RFID system from our firm is a breakthrough in the livestock management sector. Its scan range of up to 7 meters and ability to read many animals at once significantly increase labor productivity. Furthermore, in order to better fit certain situations, such as feed stations, our livestock RFID tags have the ability to modify the read range as required.

There are two varieties of traditional short-range LF 134.2 KHz RFID ear tags: full-duplex (FDX) and half-duplex (HDX). While FDX tags may interact synchronously with the reader, HDX tags operate by reacting to the RFID reader’s signal. To ensure data integrity and dependability, all of our RFID animal tags adhere to USDA 840 animal traceability regulations as well as GS1 ISO 18000-6 Gen2 standards.

Our RFID cattle tags are made of sturdy TPU polyurethane material, which means they can withstand harsh temperatures ranging from -50°C to 85°C (-50°F to 185°F). They are intended to survive for a minimum of ten years. These cutting-edge devices provide extensive traceability and management capabilities in addition to complying with all applicable standards and laws. They also work flawlessly with other standardized animal ID components and systems.

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  • Material and design: To maintain the stability and security of the tag, the sheep animal tracking plastic tag has a metal tip design that easily pierces the animal’s ear.
  • Identification technique: For fast and simple identification, each tag has a printed numerical ID attached to it.
  • Options for printing: Laser printing or blank ear tags are offered. We facilitate the printing of barcodes, numbers, characters, and logos using laser printing to satisfy a range of customized requirements.

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Technical Specification
Model Name RFID Electronic Animal Ear Tag
Materiala TPU
Maiztasuna 125KHz,134.2khz ,860MHz~960MHz
Protokoloa ISO11784/11785, FDX-B, FDX-A, HDX, UHF EPC Gen2
Tamaina Dia 30mm, or other size
Working Temp -25 to 85 (Centigrade)-
Storage Temp -25 to 120 (Centigrade)
Printing Laser Printing, Zeta Inprimaketa
Aplikazioa Sheep, cow, cattle, pigeon, chicken etc. Identification and RFID Tracking for livestock, pet, and laboratory animals.

Ear Tag RFID For Sheep


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In order to better ensure the safety of your goods, we will provide you with professional, environmentally friendly, convenient and efficient packaging services.
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