EAS Soft Tag


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EAS Soft Tag

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The EAS soft tag is a crucial component of the Electronic Article Surveillance system, used for inventory management, commodity monitoring, and anti-theft. It uses electromagnetic induction and is compatible with all 58Khz AM systems. The tag transmits a signal to EAS antennas when merchandise is removed without a cashier’s scan. It is easy pasting, arina, fire, scratch, and tamper resistant.

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An essential component of the Electronic Article Surveillance system is the EAS soft tag. It is an electronic tag that is fastened to the product immediately. EAS soft tags may be used for inventory management, commodities monitoring, anti-theft, and other purposes. It uses the electromagnetic induction concept. It considerably increases supermarket management effectiveness and safety and lowers the likelihood of cargo damage at supermarkets by working with monitoring platforms, gates, and other equipment.
The EAS soft tag operates on the basis that if merchandise is removed from the shop without being scanned by the cashier, the tag will transmit a signal to the EAS antennas at the entry and exit of the business, setting off the alarm. The tag’s saturation magnetic induction intensity typically ranges from 0.6 to 1.0 T. The majority of the decoder is a contactless gadget. The electronic tag may be decoded without coming into touch with the demagnetization region when the cashier cashes or bags.

Easy pasting, tiny size, arina, fire resistance, scratch resistance, and tamper resistance are just a few of the features that make the EAS soft tag ideal for attaching to delicate objects. To guarantee that it can function correctly in a variety of retail locations, such as supermarkets and shopping malls, it is also compatible with all 58Khz AM systems.

EAS Soft Tag EAS Soft Tag01 EAS Soft Tag02


EAS Soft Tag Parameter

Product Name EAS Soft Tag
Unit Dimension 30x30mm, 30x40mm, 40*40mm, 50x50mm, 15x52mm, 23x44mm, 26x26mm, 40x58mm, 65x19mm
Maiztasuna 8.2MHz RF sticker EAS Label
Kolorea Barcode/White/Black/Transparent
Quality Factor Q≥80 EAS Label
Certificates ISO9001; CE approved
Print Logo Any printing we can do for you, just send the design to us
Payment Paypal,T/T, Western Union
Delivery Time Depends on the quantity of your order
Aplikazioa Used for clothing shops, supermarkets, etab.

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Our Services

  • Factory and Quality: We have our own factory with professional and efficient production lines. We finish all aspects of production, assembly, testing, and packaging in-house at our facilities. To guarantee quality, every product is put through rigorous testing and quality control processes.
  • OEM and ODM Services: We welcome orders from OEMs and ODMs and may provide you with specialized services.
  • Payment methods that we take: TT, West Union, PayPal, etab. We accept all major credit cards using ESCROW, a secure payment processor.

EAS Soft Tag packaging

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