Fabric RFID Wristband


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Fabric RFID Wristband

Deskribapen laburra:

Fabric RFID wristbands are durable, comfortable, and lightweight wristbands made from high-quality materials like nylon and polyester. They are waterproof, dustproof, and easy to clean. They have a built-in RFID chip that reads and writes data through wireless radio frequency and encryption technology. These wristbands are suitable for various applications requiring identity recognition and access control management. They can be connected to other smart devices for multiple functions and can be customized to suit user needs. They are suitable for various environments, including gyms, cold stores, outdoor and indoor spaces.

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Produktuaren xehetasuna

Fabric RFID wristbands are durable, comfortable, and lightweight, made from high-quality materials like nylon and polyester. They provide good wearing comfort and are suitable for long-term use in various environments. The wristbands are waterproof and dustproof, making them suitable for humid or dusty environments. They are easy to clean, with stains and dirt easily removed. They have a built-in RFID chip that reads and writes data through wireless radio frequency technology and encryption technology. They can be connected to other smart devices for multiple functions and can be customized to suit user needs. Overall, fabric RFID wristbands are suitable for various applications requiring identity recognition and access control management.

Fabric RFID Wristband Fabric RFID Wristband01


Product Specifications:

Kolorea Urdina/ gorria / beltza/ zuria/ horia/ grisa/ berdea/ arrosa, etab
Funtzioa Tracking, Identification, Management, Collection, Sarbide kontrola
LF txipa (125KHZ) TK4100,EM4200,EM4100,EM4305,T5577,etc
HFchip(13.56MHz) FM11RF08, S50, S70, N213/216,etc
UHF txipa (860MHz960MHz) ALIEN H3, M4, etab
Funtzionamendu-tenperatura -50℃~210℃
Aplikazioa Gym, cold store, outdoor, indoor, Sarbide kontrola, amusement park, party
Printing craft Debossed, Embossed, Silk, Laser, Barra-kodea, QR code.
Tamaina Dial: 37*40mm

Band: 265*14mm

Model NL007

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Main Features

  • Soft and flexible: Suitable for a range of wrist sizes and activities, the soft material of the wristband guarantees comfort and flexibility while worn.
  • Wearing it is convenient and pleasant because of its straightforward design, which also makes it easy to take off and put on. It is ideal for extended periods of time.
  • Weatherproof and waterproof: It can continue to function normally in damp or humid conditions and has exceptional waterproof performance.
  • Shockproof and resistant to high temperatures: It can function steadily in conditions of high temperature and vibration, making it appropriate for a variety of harsh settings.
  • Reading range: Depending on the reader’s strength, the reading range is typically 1 to 5 cm, guaranteeing reliable identification up to a specific distance.
  • Operating temperature range: It can adjust to different environmental circumstances and operate properly in a broad temperature range of -50°C to 210°C.

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  • Frequent usage in hospitals: It is used, particularly in maternity and child care, to guarantee the security of expectant women and their babies as well as to facilitate quick identification and tracking.
  • Swimming pools: It is used for security control and membership administration in locations like water parks and swimming pools.
  • Hot spring hotels and spas: It’s utilized for access control and client identification in areas like saunas and hot springs.
  • Cold room and field operation: used in low-temperature or challenging field environments for asset management and personnel identification.

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Service and support

  1. Support for expert inquiry consultation: We provide this service to assist you in comprehending the specifications and costs of our products.
  2. Support for sample testing: Before using the product in real life, you may assess its functionality and suitability with our sample testing service.
  3. See our manufacturing facility: To better understand the manufacturing process and product quality control, we invite customers to tour the facility.
  4. Development of industry and trade integration: To provide a comprehensive spectrum of RFID solutions, we combine R&D, fabrikazioa, and sales.
  5. Greater than ten years of expertise With over a decade of extensive expertise in the RFID space, we can provide you with dependable goods and services.
  6. Different RFID items: We provide a range of RFID products, such as RFID readers and tags with various sizes, features, and frequency bands.
  7. Modest payment options: In order to accommodate a range of consumer demands, we provide modifiable payment options.
  8. Quick and accurate quote: We provide quick and accurate quotation services to make sure you can quickly get the necessary product prices.


We support customers worldwide. For the fastest service, please email us a detailed overview of your product or project requirements. We will typically respond within 24 business hours with the technical or pricing information you require.

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