Mifare Wristbands

Mifare Wristbands

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Fujian RFID Solutions offers high-quality, waterproof, and cost-effective PVC RFID Mifare Wristbands with 13.56 MHz, NFC, or UHF chips for efficient data reading in various applications. These wristbands are suitable for hospital use, swimming, concerts, events, sarbide kontrola, patient identification, hotel management, and exhibition events. They are soft, flexible, and waterproof, with a reading range of 10-20 cm. Mifare wristbands are durable, dustproof, and waterproof, and can be used in various weather conditions.

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We offer you high-quality, waterproof, and cost-effective PVC RFID Mifare Wristbands. This wristband is equipped with a 13.56 MHz, NFC or UHF chip for your choice, ensuring efficient data reading in a variety of application scenarios. Its reading range is between 10-20 cm, which meets the needs of most daily use. Horrez gain, we also provide direct shipping services worldwide to ensure that you can get the products you need conveniently. Whether it is used for event entry, kideen kudeaketa, or other occasions requiring identity identification, this PVC RFID Mifare Wristband is your trustworthy choice.

Mifare Wristbands


Mifare Wristband Parameters

Materiala PVC003
Tamaina 224*35*20mm
Kolorea Gorria, Urdina, Beltza, Purple, Orange, Berdea, Zuria, Horia, or customized color.
IC chips in 125Khz EM4200, T5577, Hitag 1, Hitag 2, Hitag
IC chips in 13.56MHz MF Classic 1K, MF Classic 4K, MF Ultralight, I-CODE2, F08, etab.
IC chips in 860~960Mhz UCODE GEN2, ALIEN H3, IMPINJ M4, ect.
Chip craft data En-codable ( URL, Number, text, or name) and chip encryption.
Available craft Logo silk printing, laser numbering or UID number, encoding, etab.
Protokoloa ISO 11784/11785 14443A/ ISO 15693 /ISO18000-6C
Read Distance 0-10m (vary to different readers & environment).
Working Temperature -50°C~240°C
Main Feature Soft, flexible, and convenient to wear. Iragazgaitza, quakeproof, and high temperature resistant.
Aplikazioa Hospital for mother and baby care; Swimming poor; Concert; Event;

Sarbide kontrola, patient identification, event ticketing, gaming and identity, hotel management, exhibition events, etab.

Samples A free sample is available.

PVC RFID Mifare Wristbands


Mifare wristband features

  1. Superior stability and longevity: Mifare wristbands are constructed from premium materials and provide remarkable longevity. They may continue to function well even after being worn or used often for an extended period of time.
  2. Mifare wristbands are dustproof and waterproof, making them suitable for usage in a variety of weather situations, including humid, dusty, and severe ones.
  3. Numerous chip alternatives: 13.56 MHz, NFC, UHF, and other frequencies are just a few of the many options available for Mifare wristbands. These chip kinds fit a variety of purposes and application situations.
  4. Moderate reading range: Mifare wristbands typically have a reading range of 10 to 20 cm. This range prevents needless misreading in addition to guaranteeing reading precision.
  5. Fast reading and writing: Mifare wristbands use RFID technology, which has the ability to read and write data rapidly. This leads to increased productivity and efficiency at work.
  6. Good compatibility: Mifare wristbands are readily integrated and docked with other systems, and they work well with a variety of RFID reading devices.
  7. Berrerabilgarria: Most Mifare wristbands can be used again, which saves money and waste while also making it easier for consumers to use them again.
  8. High security: The Mifare wristband uses cutting-edge encryption technology to protect the confidentiality and security of data and stop it from being altered or unlawfully acquired.

Mifare wristband01



1. Who are we?
Our plant produces RFID products, and we sell them to the following markets: Oceania (8.00%), Africa (2.00%), Central America (2.00%), East Asia (2.00%), Middle East (2.00%), Southeast Asia (15.00%), Eastern Europe (10.00%), South America (9.00%), and Western Europe (30.00%). We are based in China. We have between 11 eta 50 persons working in our office.
2. How can we guarantee excellence?

Prior to mass manufacturing, pre-production samples are consistently supplied;
Before shipping, a final examination is always carried out;
Before finalizing mass production, consumers would be given access to videos and pictures.
3. What products do you offer?
RFID tickets, PVC cards, RFID wristbands, tags, and lanyards are among the many card accessories available.
4. What makes us superior to other vendors as a supplier?
The company Fujian RFID Solutions produces sells, and distributes RFID tags and stickers for retail, aktiboen kudeaketa, biltegiratzea, logistika, anti-counterfeiting, and other solution integration applications. SGS and ISO certified. Furthermore, in the event that we made a mistake, we will reprocess the issue and pay all associated expenses.
5. What services are you able to offer?
Delivery terms accepted: FOB, CFR, CIF, and EXW;
Payment currencies that are accepted include USD, EUR, JPY, CAD, AUD, HKD, GBP, RMB, and CHF.
Payment options accepted include cash, PayPal, Western Union, L/C, and T/T.

Mifare wristband02

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