NFC ehunezko eskumuturrekoa


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nfc ehunezko eskumuturrekoa (1)

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The NFC Fabric Wristband offers cashless payment, fast access control, reduced waiting time, and increased security at events. Made of high-quality nylon, it is comfortable, durable, and available in various materials like silicone, woven, eta plastikoa. Applications include hot spring hotels, igerilekuak, fieldwork, and hospitals. Fujian RFID Solution leads the industry in automated chip implanting, IC slot milling, and card packing.

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NFC Fabric Wristband provides cashless payment, fast access control, reduced waiting time, and increased security at events. Our NFC Fabric Wristband is comfortable and made of high-quality nylon, which is not easy to break and easy to put on and take off. RFID wristbands are available in various materials such as silicone, woven (cloth), eta plastikoa.

NFC ehunezko eskumuturrekoa


Parameter Description

Tamaina Dial: 40*25mm

Band: 260*19mm

Materiala Nylon strap, ABS dial plate
Available chips LF, HF, UHF
Color option Gorria, Urdina, Beltza, Purple, Orange, Horia, or in customized color
Printing Silk-screen printing with logo/ Ink-jet printing or Thermal transfer printing
Antennas Aluminum or copper antenna
Available Crafts Logotipoaren inprimaketa, Encoding/Programmable

Serial Number, Barra-kodea, QR or UID number printing;

NFC Fabric Wristband02


Key characteristics:

  1. Soft, flexible, pleasant, and simple to wear nylon RFID wristband
  2. Resistant to extreme temperatures, weatherproof, shockproof, and waterproof
  3. Reading range: 1 to 5 cm, depending on the reader’s power
  4. 50°C to 210°C is the operating temperature.

NFC Fabric Wristband03


Hot spring hotels and spas; igerilekuak; fieldwork and refrigeration homes, among other things; ospitaleak, particularly for the care of expectant mothers and newborns.

When it comes to automated chip implanting, automatic IC slot milling, automatic card packing, and automatic punching equipment, Fujian RFID Solution consistently leads the industry. Customers both domestically and internationally hold it in high regard for its goodsexceptional features and affordable costs.


Are you a trade firm or a manufacturer?
A: Two decades Expert producer of RFID wristbands, tags, inkrustazioak, labels, and smart cards
Can I get an example to use as a guide?
A: A complimentary comparable sample is provided; freight charges apply.
G: When will I get my cards?
A: Following the completion of payment, the cards will be sent out in 5–10 days.
What is the required design format that I must submit?
A: Layer graph in CDR, AI, PDF, and PSD formats. Give each design a 3 mm margin of error.
What happens if I don’t own any artwork?
A team of skilled designers will handle your artwork.

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