Produktu aipagarriak

Azken Berriak

PVC RFID Coin Tag (1)

Deskribapen laburra:

PVC RFID coin tags are strong, waterproof, and can be used indoors and outdoors for product identification and object monitoring. They come in various sizes, thicknesses, and colors, and can be customized with logos, barcodes, QR codes, or serial numbers. They are used in VIP cards, sarbidea kontrolatzeko sistemak, eta gehiago.

Bidali mezu elektronikoa

Partekatu gaitzazu:

Produktuaren xehetasuna

PVC RFID Coin Tag have a 3M adhesive layer so they can be easily attached to products and objects. Our customers mainly use NFC coin tags for product identification and object monitoring. Due to its strong and waterproof material, coin tags can be used both indoors and outdoors. We can also print personalized designs on coins on demand.




  1. Materiala: PVCa
  2. Tamaina: 10mm, 13mm, 15mm, 18mm, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm, 35mm, 40mm, 45mm, 50mm, etab.
  3. Thickness: 0.8mm, 0.84mm, 1mm, 1.2mm, etab.
  4. Glue: Standard glue or 3M glue can be added
  5. Anti-metal layer: can be added for metal surface processing
  6. Pre-punching: can be added according to your requirements
  7. Kolorea: white or custom-printed logo, barcode, QR code, serial number, etab.
  8. Packaging: 200-250 pieces/box
  9. Aplikazioa: VIP card, sarbide kontrola, ID card, points system, school, store, etab.

PVC RFID Coin Tag01


Maiztasuna Protokoloa Read range Chip Memory Customization
13.56mhz ISO14443A 1-10cm M1 Classic 1K / Fudan F08 UID 4/7byte,User 1K byte Encoding Serial No., URL, words, contacts etc.
TAG213 UID 7byte,

Erabiltzailea 144 byte

TAG215 UID 7byte,

Erabiltzailea 504 byte

TAG216 UID 7byte,

Erabiltzailea 888 byte

      Ultralight EV 1 UID 7byte,

Erabiltzailea 640 bit

      Ultralight C UID 7byte,

Erabiltzailea 1536 bit

125khz ISO11784/11785 1-10cm TK4100 UID 64bit, read only  
860-960mhz ISO 18000-6C, EPC Class1 Gen2 1-10metroak Alien, Monza, U7 U8 etc.  

PVC RFID Coin Tag04


Production Time:

1. Spot sample order: within a few days after payment.
2. Customized sample order: 4-7 working days according to sample details.
3. Formal order: 7-12 working days according to quantity.



1. For urgent orders within 3-7 lanegunak, we recommend shipping by express such as DHL, FedEx, UPS, etab.
2. For large quantity/heavyweight orders, 5-12 lanegunak, we recommend shipping by air (airport to airport).
3. For large orders, 20-35 lanegunak, we recommend shipping by sea (seaport to seaport).
4. If you don’t want to handle import customs clearance, we also provide direct service by air/sea door-to-door.


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