Txikizkako RFID etiketak Texitlerako


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Txikizkako RFID etiketak Texitlerako

Deskribapen laburra:

Txikizkako RFID etiketak Texitlerako erabiltzen dira hoteletan, ospitaleak, eta garbitegiak entrega zehatza egiteko, onarpena, logistika, eta inbentarioen kudeaketa. These waterproof and strong tags can be sewn on or hot-pressed to the product’s surface. They have a reading distance of over 6 meters and are suitable for washing, dry cleaning, ironing, and high-pressure dehydration environments.

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Produktuaren xehetasuna

For more precise and effective delivery, onarpena, logistika, eta inbentarioen kudeaketa, as well as to enhance the washing process, Retail RFID Tags For Texitle are a common sight in hotels, ospitaleak, and laundries. These tags are waterproof and strong, and they can be sewn on or hot-pressed to the surface of a product.

Txikizkako RFID etiketak Texitlerako Txikizkako RFID etiketak Texitlerako 01



RFID protocol standard ISO/IEC 18000-3 and EPC Gen2
EPC encoding 128bit
User storage space 512bit



Reading distance



902-928MHz 4W eirp: 600cm
865.6-867.7MHz 2W erp: 400cm

Rubber mat

902-928MHz 4W eirp: 500cm
865.6-867.7MHz 2W erp: 400cm
Label installation method Sewing, hot pressing and bagging
Service life Cycle washing/dry cleaning 200 times, edo 3 years from factory shipment, whichever comes first (*1)
Failure rate 0.1% (excluding discoloration, bending, deformation, etab. under normal use)






Applicable environment

Laundry guide Washing, dry cleaning (*2) (perchlorethylene, hydrocarbon solvent)
Resistant to high pressure dehydration pressure 60 bar (*3)
Water resistance Water proof
Anti-chemical agents Detergent, softener, bleach (oxygen/chlorine), strong alkali (*4)
Autoclave resistant 120℃, 15-20 minutes 130℃, 5 minutes (*5)
Heat resistant Drying/ironing 200℃ (within 10 segundoak, with a pad between the iron and the label during ironing)
Temperature humidity Operate -20 ~ 50℃,10~95%RH
Custody -30 ~ 55℃,8 ~ 95%RH


Product Features

  • Read hundreds of tags at a time using UHF technology: This indicates that the product uses UHF (Ultra High Frequency) teknologia, which can read multiple tags at the same time, greatly improving reading efficiency.
  • Reading distance of more than 6 metroak: The product has a long reading distance, which is convenient for remote identification in practical applications.
  • New industrial design, better reading performance for textiles: The product is specially designed to optimize the reading performance of tags on textiles.
  • Low cost, eraginkortasun handia, and durability: The product is not only low-priced but also has high working efficiency and long service life.
  • Suitable for washing, dry cleaning, ironing, etab.: The product can remain stable during various washing and ironing processes and is suitable for daily treatment of textiles.
  • Suitable for a 60-bar high-pressure dehydration environment: The product can work normally even in a high-pressure dehydration environment.
  • Suitable for autoclaving: The product can withstand the autoclaving process and is suitable for medical or sanitary fields.
  • Comply with international standards “ISO/IEC 18000-3 and EPC Gen2”: The product complies with internationally accepted RFID standards.
  • Small and soft elastic material: The material used in the product is small, soft, and elastic, which is very suitable for textiles, fur, clothing and accessories, etab.


Packaging and Shipping

  1. FedEx/DHL/UPS/TNT for samples, door-to-door delivery: For samples, the company uses these well-known courier services for door-to-door delivery.
  2. Air or sea freight for bulk goods, for full container; airport/port collection: For large quantities of goods, the company chooses air or sea freight and delivers at the airport or port.
  3. Customer-specified freight forwarder or negotiable shipping method: Provide customers with the flexibility to choose their own freight forwarder or negotiate other shipping methods.
  4. Delivery Time: Samples are usually delivered within 3-7 egunak, while bulk goods take 10-15 egunak.


Trade Terms

Payment Methods: Multiple payment methods such as T/T, Western Union and PayPal are accepted.
Minimum Order Quantity: Customers need to order at least 100 products.
Warranty: The product comes with a one-year warranty.


Txikizkako RFID etiketak Texitlerako 03

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