RFID Sarbide Kontrolerako Eskumuturrekoak


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RFID Sarbide Kontrolerako Eskumuturrekoak

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RFID Sarbide Kontroleko Eskumuturrekoak hainbat aplikaziotarako diseinatuta daude, including door access, animal tagging, eta eremu hurbileko komunikazioa. They feature a configurable application framework, elegant user interface, and advanced analytics for business intelligence. These wristbands are durable, comfortable, and feature quick identification through RFID chips. They also offer high security, multi-function integration, and personalized customization. They are suitable for use in workplaces, clubs, and educational institutions, and can be customized to meet user needs.

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We provide customers with RFID Access Control Wristbands, including door access, animal tagging, near field communication (NFC), various RFID wristbands and solutions. Our solutions feature a highly configurable application framework and elegant user interface and have advanced analytics to enable end-to-end business intelligence and data visibility across multiple industries.
When customers choose to work with us, they gain a partner with a deep understanding of what makes every RFID application successful, as well as access to experienced engineering and technical resources; advanced research and testing capabilities; and most importantly, our field-proven inlay products.

RFID Sarbide Kontrolerako Eskumuturrekoak


RFID Access Control Wristband Parameters

Product name NL006
Materiala Fabric+PVC card
Working Temperature -35° to +75°
IP Waterproof Rating IP68
Sizes Optional 40*25mm dial, 350*15mm band
Colors Optional Urdina, Gorria, Zuria, Beltza, Berdea, Horia, Gray, or Customized
Protokoloa ISO14443A,ISO15693,ISO11785
Maiztasuna LF(125KHz),HF(13.56MHz)UHF(860MHz-960MHz)
Writing Cycle 100,000/200,000/500,000 times, depending on the chips
Craftwork 1. Laser Number 2. QR Code 3. UV Number

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Features of RFID access control wristbands

  1. Durability and comfort: RFID access control wristbands are usually made of durable fabric materials to ensure that they are not easily damaged during long-term use. At the same time, their design focuses on wearing comfort, so that users will not feel uncomfortable during wearing.
  2. Quick identification: RFID access control wristbands have built-in RFID chips, which can quickly identify the user’s identity through wireless radio frequency technology to achieve fast passage. This contactless identification method not only improves the efficiency of passage, but also avoids the security risks that may be caused by contact operations.
  3. High security: RFID access control wristbands use encryption technology to protect user data and ensure the security of user information. Even if the wristband is lost, others cannot easily obtain user information, which effectively protects the privacy and security of users.
  4. Multi-function integration: In addition to basic identity recognition and access control management functions, RFID access control wristbands can also be connected to other smart devices to achieve multiple-function integration. For example, it can be connected to a mobile payment system to achieve cashless payment, and connected to fitness equipment to monitor user exercise data.
  5. Personalized customization: RFID access control wristbands can be customized according to user needs, including color, pattern, size, etab. This makes the wristband not only practical but also shows the user’s personality and taste.

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Our selection of RFID access control wristbands is made to be comfortable and long-lasting for use in workplaces, clubs, and educational institutions. Many reputable businesses seeking consistent and dependable performance have embraced these premium RFID access control wristbands. Horrez gain, we provide strong fabric RFID wristbands for use in situations where more durability is necessary. RFID access control wristbands may simply manage access control for workplaces, buildings, eskolak, campuses, clubhouses, warehouses, or VIP area access for special events. It may also be used in a number of other situations, including safes, RFID lockers, lockable drawers, and door openings. When used in conjunction with our RFID time clock, it can efficiently track staff attendance. Make queue waiting a thing of the past by giving your VIP visitors a seamless admission experience. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any inquiries or requests; we will be happy to provide you with a free consultation and quote services.

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