RFID Clamshell Card


Produktu aipagarriak

Azken Berriak

Two white RFID Clamshell Cards with engraved numbers, each featuring a rectangular shape and a small notch on one corner.

Deskribapen laburra:

RFID Clamshell Card made of ABS and PVC/PET materials are durable and customizable. They can be screen printed or offset printed, with a standard size of 85.5541.8mm and a portable hole for easy carrying.

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Produktuaren xehetasuna

We offer RFID Clamshell Card made of ABS material, with a layer of PVC/PET material on the surface, ensuring the durability and texture of the card. The card can be printed with logo information by screen printing or offset printing technology, with a standard size of 85.5541.8mm and a portable hole for easy carrying. The number of writing times can reach 100,000/200,000/500,000 times depending on the selected chip.

RFID Clamshell Card


Process Features:

UV Numbering/Signature Plate: Add a personalized logo to the card.
Laser Numbering: Give the card a unique number through laser technology.
Holographic Sticker: Enhance the security and anti-counterfeiting of the card.
QR Code or UID Number Laser: Support fast scanning and identity authentication.
CMYK Printing: Bright colors and clear patterns.

RFID Clamshell Card01


  • Materiala: PVCa, and PET, to ensure the quality of the card.
  • Tamaina: Standard 85.5541.8mm, support customization.
  • Maiztasuna: 125Khz, 13.56Mhz, 860-960Mhz optional to meet the needs of different application scenarios.
  • 125Khz chip: supports EM4200, EM4305, EM4450, etab.
  • 13.56Mhz chip: including MF K S50, MF 4K S70, etab.
  • 860-960Mhz chip: UCODE series, Monza series, etab.
  • Card type: barcode card, magnetic card, blank card, blank chip card, etab.
  • Production process: professional inlay technology, automatic ultrasonic embedding, surface treatment optional glossy or matte.
  • Password protection: support read/write password protection to ensure data security.

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Product features:

  1. Long-distance reading and writing: W&R distance is long and performance is stable.
  2. Fast response: W&R speed is fast and response signal is sensitive.
  3. Size customization: meet various size requirements and meet customer needs.
  4. Soft material: The material is diverse and soft, adapting to various packaging styles.
  5. Multi-tag reading: supports multi-tag reading at the same time, and has powerful anti-collision function.

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Production and delivery:

  • Production time: The production time of encoded or non-encoded cards is usually 7-10 egunak, and the quantity range is 1-50,000 txartelak.
  • Packaging details: 200 cards per box, 5000 cards per carton, carton size is 542435cm, gross weight is 33 kg.
  • Express delivery: 3-5 working days via express services such as DHL, TNT, FedEx, UPS, etab.

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Sample and payment:

Sample cost: Free samples are provided (in stock).
Payment method: Accept multiple payment methods such as T/T, Paypal, Western Union, etab.

We are committed to providing customers with high-quality RFID flip card customization services to meet various application needs. Welcome to consult and customize!

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