RFID Custom Wristband


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Azken Berriak

The RFID Custom Wristband in red silicone is designed with a smooth, continuous loop.

Deskribapen laburra:

Fujian RFID Solutions offers RFID Custom Wristband for various applications, including swimming pools, amusement parks, and hospitals. These silicone wristbands are waterproof, sturdy, and comfortable, making them ideal for water parks and events. Fujian provides expert programming and coding services, ensuring high-quality, affordable products with prompt delivery and a two to three-year guarantee.

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A broad range of applications, such as swimming pools, amusement parks, marathons, hospital administration, membership systems, loyalty programs, eta sarbide-kontrola, make extensive use of RFID custom wristband. In order to guarantee flawless integration and seamless operation, Fujian RFID Solutions not only offers these wristbands but also responds to clientsunique programming or coding requirements.

Our RFID silicone wristbands have a special construction that makes them completely waterproof and sturdy even while engaging in aquatic sports. These wristbands are also comfy and long-lasting, which makes them perfect for usage in water parks, leisure parks, and other events. You will get expert programming and coding services together with premium, personalized RFID wristbands when you work with Fujian RFID Solutions, which will increase your company’s productivity and ease of use.

RFID Custom Wristband


  • Made of silicone material, good stability and heat resistance.
  • It has excellent waterproof performance and can be used directly in water.
  • It can be cycled multiple times after sterilization.
  • Tamaina: 72mm-180mm, 77mm-195mm, 82mm-210mm, 87mm-225mm
  • Model: GJ017 2-wire 72mm-180mm

Materiala Silicone
Available Size dimensions:45MM,50mm,55mm, 60mm,65mm,70mm,72mm,74mm
Model GJ017 2-lines 72mm-180mm
Printing Silk-screen printing, etab
Kolorea Free choice
Maiztasuna 125Hkz/13.56Mhz
Standard ISO 14443A
125kz Chip Available: EM4100, EM4205, EM4305, EM4450, TK4100, T5577 ect,.
  or other customized chips
Working environment Working life: 5-10 urteak;
  Store temperature: -40 °C to 100 °C
  Humidity 20% ~ 90%RH;
  Laneko tenperatura: -40 °C to 120 °C
MOQ 500pzak


Our service

  1. We will respond to all requests within a day.
  2. Qualified suppliers and manufacturers are invited to check out our facility and website.
  3. OEM/ODM is available.
  4. Excellent quality, affordable and competitive cost, prompt delivery
  5. Prior to packing, every product is subjected to a rigorous internal quality inspection.2) Every product will be wrapped securely before being sent.
  6. If human harm prevents it, all of our items are covered by a two to three-year guarantee.
  7. Quicker delivery: sample orders arrive in 1–5 days, large orders in 7–30 days.
  8. Payment Options: You may use Paypal, Western Union, or T/T to pay for your purchase.
  9. Garraioa: We work closely with forwarders who handle air, sea, and DHL freight as well as FEDEX, TNT, UPS, and EMS. Additionally, you get to choose your freight forwarder.


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