RFID Festival Wristband


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Azken Berriak

An RFID Festival Wristband in orange on a white background.

Deskribapen laburra:

The RFID Festival Wristband is a modern, vibrant, and functional wristband that combines traditional holiday festivities with advanced RFID technology. It allows for fast identification of participants’ personal information, making it ideal for various events. The wristband is made of soft, waterproof materials and can be customized with company logos, event names, and other components. It is available in various sizes, frequencies, and protocols. The wristband is offered with RFID technical support, various styles and colors, OEM manufacturing services, strict quality control, and careful packaging and transportation.

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Produktuaren xehetasuna

Our RFID Festival Wristband is the ideal fusion of customary holiday festivities and modern technology. In addition to incorporating the vibrant colors and distinctive patterns of the festival into its design, which makes it easy for people to experience the joy and excitement of the event at a glance, this wristband also uses cutting-edge RFID technology into its operation, which greatly enhances festival activities. unparalleled effectiveness and ease.

The wristband’s RFID chip allows for fast and precise identification of participants’ personal information, which is very convenient for event organizers. This wristband can easily handle any type of event, be it a large-scale holiday celebration, a corporate annual meeting, or a family get-together. It allows you to enjoy member privileges, control activity area permissions, and sign in participants quickly, all of which contribute to a more organized and effective event.

To guarantee that you won’t feel uncomfortable wearing the wristbands for an extended period of time, we use soft and pleasant materials for their construction. Additionally, the wristband is waterproof and has exceptional resilience, making it able to handle a variety of festival activities. We also provide services for customized modification. You may customize the wristband by adding exclusive company logos, names of events, blessings, and other components. In addition to improving the event’s atmosphere and brand perception, this may provide attendees with a stronger feeling of honor and belonging while they are dressing.

RFID Festival Wristband


Produktuaren parametroak

Product Model GJ015 mid-oblate 184mm
Materiala Silicone
Tamaina 167mm, 184mm, 195mm
Maiztasuna 125KHz, 13.56MHz, 860-960 MHz
Protokoloa ISO11784/785,ISO14443A,ISO15693, ISO18000-6C, ISO18000-6B
Chip TK4100, EM, T5577, F08, 213, Alien H3, Alien H4, Monza 4QT, Monza 4E, Monza 4D, Monza 5, etab
Memory 512 bits, 1K Byte, 144 Byte, 128 bits, etab
Personalization Serial number, barcode, QR code, encoding, etab
Paketea Pack in OPP bag, then in carton
Shipment By Express, by air, by sea
Aplikazioa For hospital, kideen kudeaketa, sarbide kontrola, ordainketa, etab


Our Advantage

  1. RFID technical support: No matter what kind of RFID technology you require—from low-frequency 125KHz to high-frequency 13.56MHz—we can supply you the finest option with our RFID festival wristbands.
  2. Rich styles and color choices: We provide you with a range of hues and styles to select from to add more color to your holiday festivities. Based on your tastes and the holiday theme, you may choose the wristband type that best suits your needs.
  3. OEM manufacturing services: In order to satisfy your specific requirements, we accept OEM manufacturing services for RFID smart keychains. We may alter it to meet your needs, whether they are related to branding, event titles, or unique features.
  4. Strict quality control: We will do a quality check before to processing any purchase to make sure that each RFID holiday wristband satisfies strict quality standards. In order for you to utilize our goods with confidence, we are dedicated to giving them the greatest quality available.
  5. Careful packaging and transportation: Every RFID holiday wristband is meticulously packed by our personnel to prevent breakage during transit. To accommodate your various time and financial demands, we provide a range of transportation options, including express, air, and sea freight.
  6. Delivery time: All items will be sent as quickly as possible, and the approximate delivery periods for the various shipping options are as follows:
    Three to five days for expedited delivery
    Air freight: five to seven days
    Shipping by sea: 15–25 days
    Please be aware that the precise delivery time may change for various orders and times depending on the real circumstances.

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