RFID Keyfobs

Two rfid keyfobs, sleek and black with metal key rings, are displayed against a pristine white background.

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Our specialty is providing premium RFID keyfobs that integrate cutting-edge RFID technology with sturdy ABS material. These keychains, made of TK4100 material, support the 125kHz low-frequency band and provide dependable identification performance. We offer bespoke customization services, allowing you to customize the color, shape, pattern, and logo to suit your needs. These keyfobs are widely used in access control systems in businesses, hezkuntza-erakundeak, and healthcare facilities. We offer quick delivery, air courier service, eta 20 years of OEM and ODM expertise.

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Our specialty is offering premium RFID keyfobs that seamlessly integrate cutting-edge RFID technology with sturdy ABS material to provide a one-stop shop for all of your access control requirements. High-performance RFID chips like the em4200 and tk4100 are installed in this keychain, which works in the low-frequency 125kHz frequency range, to provide consistent and dependable identification performance.

In accordance with your demands, we can provide large numbers of premium ABS RFID keychains via our wholesale services. To guarantee that every product fulfills strict quality requirements, we have an extensive manufacturing process and quality control system in place. In order to accommodate your various demands, we also provide flexible packing and delivery options.


  • Sturdy construction: The keychain is composed of ABS (acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene) material, which is great at withstanding wear, impact, and chemicals. This ensures that the keychain will last in a variety of conditions. Outstanding work.
  • RFID technology: RFID chips that are integrated, such the em4200 and tk4100, support the 125kHz low-frequency band and provide dependable and steady identification performance. This keychain offers robust support for your access control and is compatible with a wide range of smart access control devices.
  • Customization services: We provide bespoke customization services and may alter the color, shape, pattern, and logo to suit your requirements. Make your keychain a reflection of your own style in addition to its usefulness.
  • RFID key fobs are extensively used in access control systems in businesses, hezkuntza-erakundeak, healthcare facilities, and other locations. A quick swipe of your card may provide fast and precise access confirmation and identity verification.
  • Simple to integrate: With a range of readers and controllers supported, our RFID keyfobs are simple to combine with a number of access control systems. We can provide an appropriate solution for your current access control system, regardless of its make and model.


Product Parameter

Elementua Waterproof Blue 125KHz RFID Proximity Smart Door Access Control Keyfob/ Keychain/ Key Tag / RFID Key fob Low Price
Materiala ABS
Maiztasuna TK4100
Chip TK4100
Printing Silkscreen (no more than 2 colors)
Ink Jet numbering (various different numbering formats)
Aplikazioa ID Identification, Logistics, VIP, E-payment, Sarbide Kontrola & Segurtasuna, Loyalty System, Parking Management, Time Attendance, etab.
Working Environment Operating Temperature: -10°C to 60°
Storage Temperature: -20°C to 85°C
Humidity: 40% to 80% RH


Special customized services:

  1. There are several varieties of chips available;
  2. Printing: offset, silk screen, LOGO, plain color, eta abar;
  3. Materiala: leather, PVCa, ABS, and so forth.

Both leather and ABS may be used to make it. The tag is the ideal option for many RFID applications since it works with a broad variety of RFID technologies, from low-frequency 125KHz to high-frequency 13.56MHz. You have a variety of colors and styles to choose from. RFID smart key fob OEM production is acceptable to us.

Why should you choose us?

  1. Quick delivery quicker air courier service. (DHL, UPS or FedEx)
  2. lengthy past twenty years of experience as an OEM in the RFID and access control sectors Alright 20 years of OEM and ODM expertise, working with over 1000 VP clients in Europe and the US
  3. 30 top-notch R&D items to create and produce top-notch goods

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