RFID Mifare Bracelet


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RFID Mifare Bracelet

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RFID Mifare wristband is a convenient and secure identification solution using Mifare chip. It is made of PVC, measures 212*33*15mm, and is available in CMYK/Pantone colors. The wristband is environmentally friendly, soft, and certified by FCC/CE/RoSH/ISO. It can be used for access control management, member identification, and event registration.

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The RFID Mifare bracelet uses the Mifare chip to provide users with a convenient and secure identity recognition solution. This bracelet not only has efficient reading speed and accurate recognition capabilities but also has waterproof and durable features, making it suitable for use in various environments. Whether it is access control management, member identification or event entry, the RFID Mifare bracelet can provide users with a fast and convenient service experience.

RFID Mifare Bracelet RFID Mifare Bracelet01


Materiala PVCa
Tamaina 212*33*15mm
Kolorea CMYK/Pantone colors are available
Printing Full-Color Printing/Logo/Image/Texts/Sbar Code/OR Code

Serial Numbers/Plain Colors

MOQ 100pzak
RFID txipa LF, HF, UHF
Features Eco-friendly Soft
Packing 1000pcs/OPP Bag,10,000pcs/carton
Ziurtagiria FCC/CE/RoSH/ISO
Delivery By Sea By Air Cargo By Express
Aplikazioak Amusement Parks, Water Parks, Carnival, Festival, Club, Bar, Buffet, Exhibition, Party, Concert, Events, Marathon, Training, etab.


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Features of an RFID Mifare bracelet

Nortasunaren identifikazioa: An integrated RFID chip in the RFID Mifare bracelet allows for fast and precise identity authentication without the need for touch, significantly enhancing identification efficiency and convenience.
Application with numerous uses: This bracelet may be used for payment, attendance tracking, sarbide kontrola, and identity verification, among other things. It can replace the conventional access card in the area of access control to achieve more convenient access control management; it can replace the conventional attendance card in the area of attendance management to achieve more accurate attendance management; and in the area of payment, it can offer a secure payment option.

Sports health monitoring: Features like sports detection and heart rate detection are also included in the RFID Mifare bracelet. To assist users in better understanding their sports status and health, it may record the user’s sports data, such as steps taken, calories eaten, etab.
GPS positioning: The bracelet features an integrated GPS module that provides precise location capabilities. With the smartphone app, users may examine their location data and sports trajectory.
Display of the time and date: The bracelet incorporates standard watch features that allow it to show the time, date, and other data. Users are always able to verify the date and time.
Bluetooth connectivity: The bracelet is compatible with Bluetooth technology, allowing it to be linked to smartphones and other smart devices for data transmission and synchronization. This includes the sharing of sports-related information on social networking sites.
Waterproof and robust: Users may use the RFID Mifare bracelet while participating in water activities since it has a waterproof construction that allows for some waterproofing. Horrez gain, the bracelet is robust and able to continue operating steadily when worn every day.
Comfortable and lightweight: The bracelet is moderately sized and light, making it easy to wear and not too taxing on the wearer. Horrez gain, the bracelet’s attractive look design may accommodate a variety of consumersaesthetic preferences.

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About RFID Mifare Bracelet

RFID Mifare Bracelet uses asmart tagembedded in the wristband itself, which stores and transmits information to an RFID reader. Most commonly in the festival industry, RFID tags are usually attached to wristbands or bracelets, but there are many options for storing RFID tags no matter what your event is

Fujian RFID Solutions is a business engaged in the manufacture, sale and distribution of RFID tags/stickers, providing solutions for warehouse management, aktiboen kudeaketa, logistika kudeaketa, retail industry, anti-counterfeiting, etab. ISO, SGS certified.




Since 2004, Fujian RFID Solution Co., SL. has been a market leader in China for RFlD/NFC product supply. Our three factories employ 300 people, and our primary products are RFID cards, RF-ld wristbands, and RF-ld devices. Over 3000 individuals and businesses were served by us globally. We hope that you will be among our future VlP clients.Why do businesses trust us so much? First off, the delivery time won’t be postponed. Hala ere, we will always provide compensation if that does occur. Secondly, we can respond to you promptly at any moment.

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