RFID Nail Tag For Free


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A white RFID Nail Tag For Free, made of plastic, is elegantly displayed against a blank background, resembling a push pin.

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RFID Nail Tag For Free is a versatile electronic tag designed for various applications, including tree and wood management. Its unique appearance and robust features make it suitable for various industries, including agriculture and industry. The tag is easy to install, with a hole diameter of less than 5*33mm recommended. Its epoxy resin top provides exceptional resistance to rust and dust, making it dust- and waterproof-proof. RFID nail tags are widely used in various industries, including timber management, trash bin management, industrial parts tracking, asset monitoring, and tree identification in logistics and inventory management. To ensure the tag’s stability and longevity, follow the installation instructions carefully.

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RFID Nail Tag For Free is a multipurpose electronic tag with a distinctive appearance and a broad range of uses. With its distinctive appearance and robust features, the RFID tree nail tag offers consumers dependable and practical tracking and identifying options. It may play a significant role and provide solid support for contemporary management and monitoring in a variety of disciplines, including industry, agriculture, and other areas.
RFID Nail Tag For Free


Materiala ABS
Tamaina 41x6mm
Maiztasuna 860-960mhz
IC Type (txipa) U7/U8 (Alien H3 and Impinj Monza are available)
Protokoloa EPC Global Class 1 Gen2 & ISO18000-6C
Memory EPC 128 bits
Tag Form Factor Hard tag
Attachment Method Drive in a nail
Operating Temperature -35 °C / +90 °C
Read Distance Up to 8m
Applicable Surface Materials Wood
IP Rating IP67
Aplikazioa For trees & woods management



RFID tree nail tag features

  • Wide range of applications: This nail tag is very useful for managing non-metallic items, such as bags, military goods packaging, security inspection, and vehicle branding, among other things. Furthermore, it is simple to use with a wide range of non-metallic items, including wood, plastics, cement, and prefabricated pieces, offering dependable tracking and identifying capabilities for a range of application situations.
  • Simple installation process: Installing RFID tree nail tags is a rather easy process. The nail tag should be hammered into the hole using a rubber hammer once a hole has been drilled on the cargo’s surface (a hole diameter of less than 5*33mm is advised). This rapid and robust installation technique can guarantee that the tag is securely fastened to the goods for an extended period of time.
  • Robust durability: The nail tag’s top is filled with epoxy resin, giving it exceptional resistance to rust in moist and acidic situations. The nail tag’s design also guarantees that it is entirely dust- and waterproof-proof and that it will continue to function steadily even in challenging outdoor conditions.
  • Many possible application scenarios RFID tree nail tags are extensively used in agricultural and industrial identifying applications. In order to assist customers achieve more effective management and monitoring, it may provide precise data support and tracking services for a variety of applications, including components management on industrial production lines and tree identification in agricultural settings.

RFID Nail Tag For Free (5)


Application of RFID nail tags

  • With their distinctive features and capabilities, RFID nail tags have shown broad application value across several industries.
  • Timber management and identification: With RFID nail tags, we can quickly monitor and identify the source, quality, and condition of wood, regardless of whether it is in a box, carton, or pallet. This tag may also be used to track and identify wood and trees; from the wood’s source to its final product, the whole process is observed to guarantee the wood’s quality and safety.
  • Trash bin management: RFID nail tags are a great option for trash bin management because of their strength and dependability. We can accomplish precise placement, status tracking, and effective garbage can management with the use of tags.
  • Industrial parts tracking and identification: RFID nail tags are often used in the industrial area to track and identify items. As long as the tags are in place, we can simply trace the location, number, and use of the components no matter where they are.
  • Asset monitoring and management: Businesses may accomplish thorough asset tracking and management using RFID nail tags. Through tags, fixed assets, such as tools and equipment, may be tracked and found in real-time, increasing the effectiveness of asset management.
  • Tree identification in logistics and inventory management: RFID nail tags provide a fresh approach to tree identification in logistics and inventory management. With tags, we are able to track the position and condition of trees in real-time, whether they are in a warehouse, outside a warehouse, or during transit.

Installation Guide

Please adhere to the installation instructions below in order to guarantee the stability and longevity of RFID nail tags:

  1. Punching: First, pierce the wood or tree with a 36 mm diameter and a 6 mm depth. Please check that the hole’s dimensions and depth match those specified on the tag.
  2. Using a rubber plastic hammer, carefully press the RFID nail tag into the opening. In order to prevent breaking the tag or creating an unstable installation, kindly refrain from exerting excessive force.
  3. Please refrain from drilling nail tags straight into wood or trees as this might harm the tag’s structure and functionality. In order to prevent moisture and other contaminants from harming the tag, please make sure it is clean and dry during installation.

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