RFID Tag Reader


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RFID Tag Reader

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The RS17-A RFID Tag Reader is a compact, versatile device that meets ISO 18000-6C standards and offers easy integration for close-range identification and background card issuance. It meets national and American standards, and can read, write, authorize, and format electronic tags for various applications. It is used in logistics, smart parking, and pool management systems for real-time commodity monitoring, product authentication, consumption monitoring, and attendance management.

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As a tiny, elegant desktop gadget, the RS17-A RFID Tag Reader has surprising power. This reader/writer meets ISO 18000-6C standards, guaranteeing steady operation in the 902MHz-928MHz high-frequency band. This RFID Tag Reader is also an all-in-one gadget with great integration. Close-range identification and backdrop card issuance management are easy for RS17-A USB.

Highlights of this reader/writer include mobility. Put it in a bag or briefcase for a business trip, meeting, or temporary event to read and create tags. To enhance venue safety, the personnel access management system can immediately detect employee and guest electronic badges. RS17-A USB can also read and write electronic tags to quickly classify and retrieve picture data.

Back-end management is also good with RS17-A USB reader/writer. It reads, writes, authorizes, and formats electronic tags for complicated business purposes. RS17-A USB offers easy and effective solutions for logistics and warehouse management, smart parking management, eta beste aplikazio batzuk.

RFID Tag Reader RFID Tag Reader01




Project Parameter
Working frequency: National standard (920~925MHz)

American Standard (902~928MHz)

Other multinational frequency standards (customized)

Label Agreement: ISO18000-6C (EPC GEN2)
Frequency hopping method: Broad spectrum frequency hopping (FHSS) or fixed frequency that can be set by software;
Antenna parameters: 2dBi circular polarization antenna (built-in)
Output Power: 12.5dBm~26dBm (software adjustable)
Reading distance: The maximum reading distance of the tag: 0.5m (related to factors such as transmit power, antenna type, tag type, and application environment)

Maximum distance to write tags: 0.2m (depending on factors such as transmit power, antenna type, tag type, and application environment)

Operating mode: Active mode

Passive mode

Answer mode (not recommended)

Power interface: DC +5V
Funtzionamendu-tenperatura: -20℃~55℃
Biltegiratze-tenperatura: -40℃~85℃
Communication Interface: USB virtual keyboard

USB virtual serial port (need to be customized)

Tamaina: 107mm×107mm×24mm
Weight: 150g/250g

RFID Tag Reader02 RFID Tag Reader03

Application RS17-A RFID Tag Reader

Due to its high performance and versatility, many industries use RS17-A USB RFID Tag Reader.

  1. The logistics and storage management system can monitor and place commodities in real-time, improving logistics efficiency. The smart parking management system uses RS17-A USB to detect vehicle electronic tags for speedy entrance and departure and automated payment.
  2. It aids in product anti-counterfeiting detection, consumption monitoring, asistentzia kudeaketa, eta gehiago. Reading and writing electronic tags allows product authenticity identification and tracking and protects consumer rights.
  3. It may enable speedy payment and points redemption in the consumption management system to improve consumption. RS17-A USB can read employee electronic tags, automatically record attendance, and decrease management strain in the attendance management system.
  4. Pool management systems also employ RS17-A USB reader/writer. It can read, write, and verify swimming cards for pool safety and order. It can also monitor and reload the swimming card balance, making pool finance administration easy.

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