RFID garbiketa-etiketa


Produktu aipagarriak

Azken Berriak

RFID garbiketa etiketa (1)

Deskribapen laburra:

RFID garbiketa etiketa meheak dira, malgua, eta biguna. Zure garbiketa-prozesuaren eskakizunen arabera, josi daitezke, beroz itxita, edo poltsikoan, and they can be applied fast and simply.In order to assist prolong the life of your assets, it was particularly designed to withstand the demands of high volume, high pressure wash processes. It has also undergone over 200 rounds of testing in actual laundries to assure tag performance and durability.

Bidali mezu elektronikoa

Partekatu gaitzazu:

Produktuaren xehetasuna

RFID garbiketa etiketa meheak dira, malgua, eta biguna. Zure garbiketa-prozesuaren eskakizunen arabera, josi daitezke, beroz itxita, edo poltsikoan, and they can be applied fast and simply.In order to assist prolong the life of your assets, it was particularly designed to withstand the demands of high volume, high pressure wash processes. It has also undergone over 200 rounds of testing in actual laundries to assure tag performance and durability.

RFID garbiketa-etiketa


  • Transponder for clothing application; washable identifying tag
  • Frequently used in clothing items, costumes, uniforms, and hospital patient attire
  • Sturdy construction for the demanding laundry room
  • Strong chemical resistance; able to tolerate caustic washing detergents
  • Completely watertight, damp-proof, earthquake-resistant, and able to withstand extreme temperatures—all while being safe for the environment and the human body.
  • Applicable to wash shops (including industrial grade laundry), security control, and other unpleasant environments;
  • Chip is tailored to your system

RFID washing tag 01


Product Name NFC Label Waterproof RFID Laundry Tag
Materiala Silicone
Maiztasuna 13.56MHz
Protokoloa ISO 14443A
Chip NTAG213/NTAG215/NTAG216, etab
Tamaina 192x25x2.5mm
Encode Available
Read Distance 1cm-10cm (related to the RFID reader and reading environment)
Operation Temperature PVCa:-10°C -~+50°C;PET: -10°C~+100°C
Printing CMYK full color printing, offset printing,silk-screen printing
Aplikazioa Sarbide Kontrola,Biltegien kudeaketa,Clothing label etc


Chip Options


MIFARE Classic® 1K, MIFARE Classic ® 4K
MIFARE Ultralight ®, MIFARE Ultralight ® EV1, MIFARE Ultralight® C
NTAG213 / NTAG215 / NTAG216
MIFARE ® DESFire ® EV1 (2K/4K/8K)
MIFARE ® DESFire® EV2 (2K/4K/8K)
MIFARE Plus® (2K/4K)
Topaz 512



1. What terms of payment do you accept?
Paypal is recommended for ordering samples.Western Union and T/T are accepted for large orders.

2. How specific is the artwork?
EPS and AL files are recommended.CDR is functioning well.JPG and TIF files at 300 dpi are suitable.
3. How much time is ahead?
Samples in 1–5 days, quantity less than $10,000 in 7–15 days, and bulk orders in 30 egunak.
Being a manufacturer, we are able to provide variable delivery times. If you have an urgent order, we will work closely with your schedule.
4. Would you be able to give out samples of your stockings?
Bai, you may be provided a stocking free sample, but you will need to handle the shipping.
5. How do you address post-purchase issues?
Our quality control method is quite stringent.From raw materials to final goods, quality control is done three times.Prior to shipping, verify the quality.
As we guarantee every product we sell, we’ll be here to assist you with any after-sale issues as soon as possible.
6. What else are you able to provide me?
Competitive factory direct pricing, expert technical and visual design assistance, and conscientious and competent sales support.
We welcome your query at any time.

Utzi zure mezua


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