RFID Wristband system


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Two blue silicone rings featuring a wavy design, part of the RFID Wristband system, overlap against a white background.

Deskribapen laburra:

Fujian RFID Solutions Co., SL. offers a comprehensive RFID wristband system, including readers, tags, inkrustazioak, and tags, for various industries. Their in-house research and development team ensures the latest specifications and trends in RFID and smart card markets. The company’s RFID wristbands are waterproof, weatherproof, and can be customized with logos and serial numbers.

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Partekatu gaitzazu:

Produktuaren xehetasuna

A whole RFID wristband system, including readers, tags, inkrustazioak, and tags, is offered by Fujian RFID Solutions Co., SL. and is supported by RFID implementation services. Numerous industries, including supply chain management, logistika, automatizazio industriala, public transit, security, electronic payment, asset monitoring, and personal identification, utilize our RFID wristbands extensively.
Our organization has a sizable in-house research and development team that creates the most recent specifications and trends in the RFID and smart card markets. Our staff consists of young, skilled, and driven individuals, and our goal is to become your go-to source for RFID wristbands and smart cards. You may be certain that our staff, which consists of dependable and experienced members, will take care of all of your needs.

RFID Wristband system RFID Wristband system01



Ezaugarri bereziak Iragazgaitza / Weatherproof
Communication Interface RFID
Customized support Customized logo
Place of Origin Txina
Brand Name OEMa
Model GJ024 dual Ф72mm
Protokoloa ISO11784/ISO11785
Product name RFID waterproof Silicone Adjustable Wristbands
Chip EM4200/TK4100 etc
Maiztasuna 125KHZ
Protokoloa ISO11784/11785
Tamaina 72mm
Materiala Silicone
Crafts Logo Printing, Serial Number, Barra-kodea, QR, UID number printing
Reading range 2~5cm
Kolorea Blue /customized
Aplikazioa Sarbide Kontrola, Swimming pool, Sauna, etab.

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1. who are we?
Since 2017, our company, which is headquartered in Zhejiang, Txina, has sold to North America (25.00%), Western Europe (20.00%), South America (15.00%), Eastern Europe (5.00%), and the Middle East (3.00%). Our workplace is home to around 11–50 individuals in total.
2. How can the caliber be ensured?

a last inspection before distribution; a pre-production sample prior to mass manufacturing;
3. What products do you offer?
RFID Animal Tag, RFID irakurgailua, RFID eskumuturrekoa, RFID Txartela, RFID Keyfob, RFID Sticker
4. Why should you purchase from us rather than other vendors?
In order to take advantage of the most recent developments and demands in the smart card and RFID markets, our organization maintains a sizable in-house research and development staff.
5. What services are you able to offer?
Terms of Delivery Accepted: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW, FCA;
Accepted forms of payment: USD, EUR, and CNY;
Payment methods accepted: cash, PayPal, Western Union, L/C, and T/T;
Speaks: English, Mandarin, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Arabic, French, and Russian

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