UHF RFID Wristband


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Azken Berriak

Product Description: A UHF RFID Wristband featuring an orange color, adjustable strap, and metal clasp. The letters "RFID" are printed in white on the surface.

Deskribapen laburra:

Ultra-high frequency (UHF) RFID wristbands combine traditional barcode wristbands with RFID technology, offering long reading distance, large information capacity, high recognition accuracy, and reusability. They are used in medical, entertainment, security, and other industries for accurate identification and tracking. They can be customized with colors, flags, and frequencies, and offer OEM and ODM options.

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Partekatu gaitzazu:

Produktuaren xehetasuna

Ultra-high frequency (UHF) RFID wristband is a device that combines traditional barcode wristbands and UHF RFID technology. The working principle of the UHF RFID wristband mainly involves two aspects: RFID technology and printing technology.
The advantages of the UHF RFID wristband include long reading distance, large information capacity, high recognition accuracy, and reusability. It is usually used in medical, entertainment, security, and other industries to quickly and accurately identify and track the identity or location of the wearer. UHF RFID wristbands have broad application prospects in medical environments. They can improve the accuracy and efficiency of patient identification, reduce the workload of medical staff, and improve the quality of medical services. With the continuous development and improvement of technology, I believe that RFID wristbands will play a greater role in the future.

UHF RFID Wristband


Parameter Description

Materiala Silicone GJ025 Watch dual
Tamaina 242*33.5*16.5mm
Kolorea Gorria, berdea, grey, beltza, morea, horia, urdina, arrosa, orange, or custom
Logotipoa Custom
Chip Dual Chips
Maiztasuna 125KHZ+13.56Mhz, or UHF chips
Payment T/T, Western Union, Paypal
Shipping By air,by sea,by express(FedEx, DHL, UPS…)

Parameter Description


Applications of RFID silicone wristbands:

Using an RFID silicone wristband (bracelet) eliminates the need for conventional cards as a form of payment. By focusing on expanding markets like stadiums and corporate events and reaching out to new client categories like youth and sports enthusiasts, it may improve and broaden your contactless offering.
UHF RFID Wristband01 UHF RFID Wristband02

Our Advantage

  • You may alter the sizes to suit your needs.
  • Flags are welcome.
  • 13.56MHz, 3.125 MHz, 868 MHz, eta 915 MHz There are several frequencies available, including TK4100, F08, Alien 3 chips, eta abar.
  • We provide a range of styles for our wristbands, made of nylon, PVCa, or silicone. Every bracelet has 125 kHz, 13.56 mHz, eta 860 960 mHz frequencies.
  • We will respond to all requests within a day.
  • OEM and ODM options
  • Excellent quality, affordable pricing, prompt delivery

UHF RFID Wristband04

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