Wrist Band For Access Control


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Azken Berriak

The Wrist Band For Access Control is a bright orange RFID wristband featuring an adjustable strap with a rectangular buckle. The front is emblazoned with the text "(RFID)" in white.

Deskribapen laburra:

RFID wristbands are replacing traditional paper tickets for access control and membership fee management. These waterproof tags are ideal for resorts, water parks, amusement parks, and music festivals, boosting visitor spending and productivity. Fujian RFID Solutions, a Japanese company, offers RFID wristbands with a waterproof design and 12 years of experience in quality control and manufacturing. They can be used in various applications, including healthcare, delivery room management, ordainketa, smart home features, entertainment, transportation, and specialized areas like jail administration and library management.

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Produktuaren xehetasuna

Traditional paper tickets are rapidly being replaced with RFID Wrist Band For Access Control. It is a suitable option for managing membership fees and RFID access control, and it is reusable. Because the tag is totally waterproof, it is very useful for resorts, water parks, amusement parks, and music festivals to boost visitor spending, boost park productivity, and boost repeat business.

With its foundation in Japanese quality control and manufacturing technology, Fujian RFID Solutions is a proficient maker of RFID products, including RFID wristbands. We have twelve years of expertise in customer relationship management, fabrikazioa, quality control, and mold design. Your needs will be handled with the utmost professionalism thanks to our manufacturing facilities and expertise working with Fortune 500 organizations such as OEMs and ODMs.

Wrist Band For Access Control



Elementua GJ037
Materiala Constructed of 100% silicone-embedded PCB
Dimension 231.5*35*20mm


Color Options Gorria, arrosa, horia, berdea, urdina, etab.
Chip LF / HF / UHF
Protocol/Frequency ISO14443A / 13.56MHz
Protection Class IP68
Operating Temperature -30~80°C
Storage Temperature -25~140°C
Printing Laser engrave printing, Silkscreen printing, etab.
Personalization Custom Logo Embossed

Laser UID


Aplikazioa Event


– Sarbide Kontrola

Swimming Pool & GYM

Hotel & Resorts

Fitness Center etc.

Wrist Band For Access Control01 Wrist Band For Access Control02



With their distinctive appearance and robust features, RFID wristbands provide never-before-seen levels of security and convenience for a variety of activities. In addition to being fashionable and robust, this wristband includes radio frequency identification technology integrated into it, which enables a number of features including contactless payment, quick identity verification, access control management, eta gehiago. Whether it’s a sizable music festival, athletic event, or upscale hotel, RFID wristbands can handle a variety of situations with ease and provide guests with a more seamless and customized experience. It is a great option for marketing and brand promotion because of its aesthetically pleasing design and adaptable features.

Wrist Band For Access Control04 Wrist Band For Access Control05

Application scenarios of RFID wristbands

  • Healthcare: The use of RFID wristbands is significant in this area. To ensure that every member of the medical and inspection staff follows the doctor’s orders precisely and maintain control over the entire treatment process, for instance, doctors and nurses can read the patient’s wristband information through the RFID reader during the patient’s hospital stay. RFID wristbands may also be used to monitor medical equipment, manage medications, and identify patients.
  • Delivery room management: To avoid having the incorrect children delivered, newborns wear disposable RFID wristbands belonging to their moms as soon as they are born. The hospital tracks newborns in real-time and analyzes and alerts to baby theft attempts using RFID’s radio frequency wireless sensing technology in conjunction with reading equipment and software.
  • Payment and security: In stores, jatetxeak, and other establishments, RFID wristbands may be utilized as a practical payment mechanism. To increase convenience and security, it may also be used for identity authentication and access control systems.
  • RFID wristbands may be used as controllers for smart home features including door opening, appliance control, and intelligent lighting. RFID wristbands may provide intelligent administration and remote control via smart device connectivity, enhancing home comfort and security.
  • Entertainment & leisure: Smart wearable gadgets may be equipped with RFID wristbands to facilitate various purposes including fitness tracking and mobility monitoring.
  • Furthermore, it may be used in entertainment and leisure domains like ticketing and game management.
  • Garraioa: In public transportation systems like buses and subways, RFID wristbands may be utilized for identification verification and payment. Horrez gain, it may be used in shared transportation domains like automobiles and bicycles, offering a more sensible and practical mode of transportation.
  • Other situations: RFID wristbands may also be used in certain specialized scenarios, such as jail administration, school attendance, liburutegien kudeaketa, eta abar, in addition to the domains mentioned above.


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