Wristband Access Control


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Wristband Access Control

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The supplier of PVC RFID Wristband Access Control prioritizes customer satisfaction through high-quality products and excellent customer service. The wristbands are waterproof, durable, and feature an integrated RFID chip for quick identification. They are eco-friendly, reusable, customizable, and offer high comfort. Hainbat aplikaziotarako egokiak dira, including amusement parks, water parks, and events.

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As a leading supplier of PVC RFID Wristband Access Control, we always put customer satisfaction first. This satisfaction comes not only from the high-quality products we provide, but also from the excellent customer service we provide. We know that only the combination of high-quality products and first-class services can win the trust and loyalty of customers. Therefore, we are committed to continuous innovation and improvement to meet the changing needs of customers and provide them with the best solutions.

Wristband Access Control RFID Wristband Access ControlThe supplier of PVC RFID Wristband Access Control prioritizes customer satisfaction through high-quality products and excellent customer service. The wristbands are waterproof, durable, and feature an integrated RFID chip for quick identification. They are eco-friendly, reusable, customizable, and offer high comfort. Hainbat aplikaziotarako egokiak dira, including amusement parks, water parks, and events.


Product Parameters

Materiala PVCa
Tamaina 240*37*22mm
Kolorea CMYK/Pantone colors are available
Printing Full-Color Printing/Logo/Image/Texts/Sbar Code/OR Code

Serial Numbers/Plain Colors

MOQ 100pzak
RFID txipa LF, HF, UHF
Features Eco-friendly Soft
Packing 1000pcs/OPP Bag,10,000pcs/carton
Ziurtagiria FCC/CE/RoSH/ISO
Delivery By Sea By Air Cargo By Express
Aplikazioak Amusement Parks, Water Parks, Carnival, Festival, Club, Bar, Buffet, Exhibition, Party, Concert, Events, Marathon, Training, etab.

Wristband Access Control03



  1. Waterproofness and durability: The PVC material itself is waterproof and has high durability, allowing the access control bracelet to function steadily in a variety of conditions, even humid ones with regular wear and friction.
  2. RFID technology: An integrated RFID chip in the access control bracelet allows for quick and precise identification recognition. Because only authorized workers are able to pass the verification, this technology not only increases security but also improves access control management efficiency.
  3. Moderate reading distance: The access control wristband’s RFID chip typically reads from 10 to 20 centimeters away. This distance may provide quick verification while preventing misinterpretation and enhancing access control management accuracy.
  4. Berrerabilgarria: Most access control wristbands are designed to be reusable, which lowers expenses and makes it easier for users to use them again.
  5. Robust customization: To accommodate usersdiverse demands, the RFID chip type, size, color, and other aspects may all be altered on the access control wristband.
  6. High comfort: Soft materials are often used to make access control wristbands, which make them easy to wear and won’t irritate users.
  7. Elevated aesthetics: The wristband for access control is crafted with a focus on style, and it may be coordinated with an individual’s attire and accouterments to augment their overall appearance.


1. Identify yourself.
Our plant produces RFID items, and we sell them to the following markets: Oceania (8.00%), Africa (2.00%), Central America (2.00%), Eastern Asia (2.00%), Mid East (2.00%), Southeast Asia (15.00%), Eastern Europe (10.00%), North America (20.00%), and Western Europe (30.00%). Our workplace has between 11 to 50 individuals in total.
2. How can the caliber be ensured?

Pre-production samples are always produced before mass production, final inspections are always performed before shipping, and clients are given access to photos and videos prior to bulk production confirmation.
3. What products do you offer?
RFID wristbands, PVC cards, RFID tickets, RFID tags, and a variety of card accessories such as cardholders and lanyards
4. Why should you purchase from us rather than other vendors?
A company called Fujian RFID Solution manufactures, sells, and distributes RFID tags and stickers for retail, aktiboen kudeaketa, biltegiaren kudeaketa, logistic management, anti-counterfeiting, and other integrated solutions. Passed SGS and ISO certificates. Additionally, if it is our error, we will recreate the default and pay all associated fees and expenditures.
5. What services are you able to offer?
Terms of Delivery Accepted: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW;
Payment currencies accepted: USD, EUR, JPY, CAD, AUD, HKD, GBP, CNY, CHF;
Payment methods accepted: cash, PayPal, Western Union, L/C, and T/T;
Spoken Languages: Chinese and English

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