Wristband RFID


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An orange Wristband RFID designed for access control, featuring the text "(RFID)" printed on its surface.

Deskribapen laburra:

Fujian RFID Solutions Co., SL. offers wristband RFID solutions for industrial applications, NFC technologies, animal tags, and access control systems. With extensive engineering and technical capabilities, they provide high-quality products with certifications like RoHS, ISO9001, CE, and ICAR. The company offers quick response, excellent quality, and OEM support. Their products are suitable for humid environments and can function under severe conditions.

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Produktuaren xehetasuna

Our clients may choose from a wide selection of wristband RFID solutions that we provide, such as specific industrial applications, near field communication (NFC) technologies, animal tags, sarbidea kontrolatzeko sistemak, and different RFID readers. Our solutions ensure that businesses can attain end-to-end business intelligence and data visibility across industries with their highly flexible application architecture, beautiful user interface, and sophisticated analytical capabilities.

Fujian, China is home to Fujian RFID Solutions Co., SL. Customers who choose to collaborate with us will benefit from our extensive engineering and technical capabilities as well as a partner with a thorough grasp of RFID technology and its industrial applications. Our cutting-edge research and testing skills enable us to provide clients inlay goods that have been validated in the field. With the passing of several important certifications including RoHS, ISO9001, CE, ICAR, etab., Fujian RFID Solutions Co., SL. can guarantee that its clients get high-quality goods and services.

Wristband RFID


Why choose our company

  1. A response to your query will be sent out within a day.
  2. Consistently excellent quality at an affordable cost.
  3. Quicker delivery: While bulk manufacturing takes 5–12 days, sample orders are kept in stock.
  4. DHL, TNT, UPS, FEDEX, EMS, China Air Post, etab. will send your items. Selecting your own freight forwarder is another option.
  5. One-stop shop: guarantee prompt resolution of all your issues.
  6. OEM support is offered.



Product Features

  1. Watch strap, flexible and easy to wear, easy to use, waterproof, moisture-proof, shockproof, heat-resistant ·Chips such as TK4100, EM4200, T5577, Hitag 1, Hitag 2, Hitag S, and others may be packed at low frequencies (125 KHz).
  2. Chips such as FM11RF08, Mifare1 S50, Mifare1 S70, Ultralight, NTAG203, I-CODE2, TI2048, SRI512, and others may be bundled with high-frequency chips (13.56MHz).
  3. Ultra-high-frequency chips (860MHz-960MHz) such as IMPINJ M4, ALIEN H3, and UCODE GEN2 may be packed.
  4. Funtzionamendu-tenperatura: -30°C to 75°C · Scope of application: Generally used in very humid settings like fields, buses, amusement parks, and community access control, among others, and can function properly even under severe circumstances like prolonged submersion in water.

Packing method

  • Bar weight: 17.3g/bar
  • Packing: 100 pieces in one OOP bag, 10 OPP bags in one box, that is, 1000 pieces/box
  • Box size: 515mm*255mm*350mm, box weight: 1kg/piece
  • Net weight: 17.3kg/box
  • Gross weight: 18.3kg/box

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