
Gure RFID produktu-lerro osoak RFID Keyfob barne hartzen du, RFID eskumuturrekoa, RFID Txartela, RFID Tag, RFID Abeltzaintza Etiketak, RFID Label, RFID irakurgailua, eta EAS Tag. Enpresei RFID irtenbide eraginkor eta seguruak eskaintzen dizkiegu hainbat aplikazio beharrei erantzuteko.


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Azken Berriak

Two RFID keychains named "rfid keychain (1)," each featuring a blue and white teardrop-shaped plastic tag attached to a silver key ring.

RFID keychain

Fujian RFID Solutions Co., SL. offers RFID keychains with advanced tag technology, impact-resistant ABS material, and various shapes and styles. These keychains are ideal for access control, identification systems, eta…

Two rfid key fobs (1) in an orange teardrop shape, featuring white circular centers and metal key rings attached at the top.

RFID Key Fob

Our RFID Key Fob offers convenience and intelligence with advanced RFID technology. It features efficient identification, durable material, personalized customization, and security. Available in sizes of 53x35mm or customized, it

Two rfid keyfobs, sleek and black with metal key rings, are displayed against a pristine white background.

RFID Keyfobs

Our specialty is providing premium RFID keyfobs that integrate cutting-edge RFID technology with sturdy ABS material. These keychains, made of TK4100 material, support the 125kHz low-frequency band and provide dependable

The image displays three "RFID Key Fob Tag (1)" items in various colors: horia, blue with a white center, and solid blue. These key fobs are likely intended for identification or electronic applications.

RFID Key Fob Tag

RFID Key Fob Tags are versatile devices used for various applications, sarbide kontrola barne, asistentzia kontrola, identifikazioa, logistika, automatizazio industriala, eta gehiago. They are made of materials like PVC, ABS,…

Hiru mifare giltza ultraarin urdinez, gorria, eta zilarrezko giltzadun beltzak elkarren ondoan antolatuta daude hondo zuri baten gainean. Giltza-giltza bakoitzak Mifare Ultralight teknologiaz hornituta dago segurtasuna hobetzeko.

Mifare Ultralight Key Fob

The Mifare Ultralight Key Fob is an advanced identification tool with RFID reading/writing technology, providing precise and efficient identification services for various applications. Its unique 10-digit ID ensures uniqueness and

Displayed are four Mifare Classic 1k Key Fobs in different colors: beltza, urdina, gorria, and gray. Each fob features a unique design and attachment method.

Mifare Classic 1k Key Fob

The Mifare Classic 1k Key Fob is a customizable contactless smart keychain with a 1024-byte storage capacity, 13.56MHz operating frequency, and ISO 14443A communication protocol. It comes in various sizes

Two transparent teardrop-shaped keychains, each housing the mifare 1k key fob (1) electronic components and featuring a metal key ring attached.

Mifare 1k Key Fob

The Mifare 1k Key Fob is a read-only contactless card with a 1024-byte storage capacity, operating at 13.56 MHz and adhering to the ISO 14443A communication protocol. It is waterproof,…

Image of seven Key Fob 125kHz (1) units in various colors: urdina, berdea, arrosa, morea, light green, grisa, and yellow; arranged in two rows. Each fob is teardrop-shaped with a metal keyring.

Key Fob 125khz

The key fob 125khz RFID keychain is a practical and stylish solution for RFID applications. It can be customized to customer specifications, with options for color and logo. Fujian RFID

Two units of the nfc key fob, which feature round blue plastic tags with metal rings, are arranged side by side to provide convenient access via their NFC functionality.

NFC Key Fob

NFC key fobs are lightweight, rugged, portable transponders with unique IDs that work on a variety of frequencies. Fujian RFID Solutions Co., SL. is a high-tech company specializing in the

Two key fob NFCs in gray, featuring metallic key rings and NFC technology, rest on a white background.

key fob NFC

Key fob NFC is a compact, arina, and wirelessly compatible keychain that allows data transfer, mugikorreko ordainketa, and access control unlocking with just one touch. Its unique design and bespoke

Eraikin industrial gris handi bat, leiho urdinez tindatu ugari dituena eta bi sarrera nagusi dituena., zeru urdina. "PBZ Business Park" logoarekin markatua," gure "Guri buruz" negozio irtenbide nagusiak eskaintzeko misioa.

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