Oanpaste RFID Key Fob

Fully customizable RFID fobs with logo printing/embedded numbering, MOQ 500pcs with 7-day lead time.


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An RFID Silicone Keyfob in blue, attached to a metal key ring and chain, isolated on a white background.

RFID Silicone Keyfob

The RFID Silicone Keyfob is a comfortable, non-slip, and wear-resistant product with a built-in RFID chip for access control and item tracking. Available in various colors, it is suitable for

In rige fan acht oanpaste RFID Key Fobs, beskikber yn swart, grien, pears, rôze, read, giel, griis, en oranje finishen, njonken inoar regele. Elke kaaifob hat in sulveren ring oan 'e boppekant.

Oanpaste RFID Key Fob

De Custom RFID Key Fob is in ferfangber, lichtgewicht, and waterproof keychain tag designed for various access control, opkomst, betelling, and security needs. It is compatible with all door entry

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Rfid Tag fabrikant [Groothandel | OEM | ODM]
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