rfid silicone wristband

Hypoallergenic silicone wristbands with embedded RFID, customizable in 20+ colors for brand promotion.


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A yellow Mifare Wristband featuring white "RFID" text and a signal icon, made from a rubber-like material in a circular design.

Mifare Wristband

The RFID Mifare Wristband offers excellent stability, waterproofness, flexibility, and comfort, suitable for club members, seasonal pass locations, and exclusive/VIP clubs. It comes in various sizes and colors and can

The Wrist Band Access Control, featuring a green design with 'RFID' printed in white on the front, offers effortless access management against a simple white backdrop.

Wrist Band Access Control

Wrist Band Access Control is a practical and comfortable device designed for various activities and positions. It is waterproof, impact-resistant, and has high-temperature resistance, making it suitable for various scenarios.

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