
Us wiidweidige RFID-produktline omfettet RFID Keyfob, RFID wristband, RFID kaart, RFID tag, RFID Fee Tags, RFID Label, RFID-lêzer, en EAS Tag. Wy leverje bedriuwen effisjinte en feilige RFID-oplossingen om te foldwaan oan ferskate tapassingsbehoeften.


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Two green Leather Proximity Key Fobs with gold metal rings and white stitching are displayed side by side on a white background. A close-up detail of the stitching is shown in an inset image.

Leather Proximity Key Fob

The Leather Proximity Key Fob is a fashionable and practical accessory made of high-quality leather. It integrates with advanced sensing technology for wireless communication with access control systems and vehicle…

The Leather key fob for RFID (2) set, featuring two black leather key fobs with rectangular tags attached to metal rings, is displayed against a plain white background.

Leather key fob foar RFID

The Leather key fob for RFID is a stylish and durable accessory made from high-quality leather. It features a sleek, compact design, a metal ring and clip for easy installation…

Fjouwer Dual Frequency Key Fobs mei metalen kaai ringen, elk yn griis, wurde organisearre yn in twa-by-twa raster op in wyt oerflak.

Dual Frequency Key Fob

The leading manufacturer of RFID and NFC products offers high-quality Dual Frequency Key Fob, smart cards, and other products. These keychains are made of ABS and silicone materials, ABS is…

The rfid key fob copy (1) product set, which includes two oval-shaped key fobs—one black and one red—each equipped with RFID tags and attached to a silver key ring, is displayed against a plain white background.

Key Fob RFID Tag

Key Fob RFID Tags are small, secure hardware devices with built-in authentication for controlling and protecting network services and data. Made from ABS and leather, they are suitable for various…

Twa swart, ovale plestik kaai fobs mei in lyts gat oan ien ein. De boppeste ôfbylding toant beide kanten fan 'e fobs tegearre, wylst de ûnderste ôfbyldings hawwe elke kant yndividueel. Ideaal foar gebrûk mei in RFID Key Fob Duplicator (1).

RFID Key Fob Duplikator

An RFID Key Fob Duplicator is a small device that uses radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to communicate with an RFID reader. It is commonly used in keyless entry systems,…

Three access control key fobs, each featuring a smiling face: one in red, one in yellow, and one in blue. Attached to metal key rings, these fobs add a quirky and joyful touch to your keys.

Access Control Key Fob

The Access Control Key Fob is an RFID keyfob compatible with EM-Marine-enabled card readers, allowing access to secure areas. It consists of an ABS shell, a chip, and an antenna.…

De RFID kaai tag (1) is blue and silver, comes with an attached keyring, and has Chinese text visible in the bottom right corner.

RFID Key Tag

The RFID Key Tag is a waterproof, advanced RFID technology keychain made from premium ABS material. It supports a 13.56MHz MF 1K FUDAN 1K smart chip, providing quick data transmission…

The rectangular RFID keychain tag (1) is black with a silver metal square and features a circular keyring attached.

RFID Keychain Tag

RFID Keychain Tags are durable, waterproof, dust-proof, moisture-proof, and shock-proof plastic tags used in various fields like access control, iepenbier ferfier, asset management, hotels, and entertainment. They come in various…

Ofbylding toant meardere rfid-kaaiketting (1) oranje sleutelhanger fobs, mei twa close-up werjeften hjirûnder markearje harren foarm en details.

RFID Key Chain

RFID Key Chain are becoming a popular choice for keyless entry systems and contactless payment solutions. These low-cost, convenient, smart and easy-to-use RFID key fobs offer a variety of benefits.…

Six RFID key tags arranged in a circular pattern, each with a key ring attached. The rfid key tags (1) fobs come in various shades of blue and grey.

RFID Key Tags

RFID Key Tags are smart keys used for personnel applications, ynklusyf tagong kontrôle, oanwêzigens behear, hotel key cards, bus payment, parking lot management, and identity authentication. They are durable, waterproof,…

In grut griis yndustrygebou mei tal fan blau-tinte ruten en twa haadyngongen stiet grutsk ûnder in dúdlike, blauwe loft. Markearre mei it logo "PBZ Business Park," it ferbyldet ús "Oer Us" missy fan it jaan fan premier saaklike oplossings.

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