bann-làimhe RFID

RFID Wristbands give you the freedom to express your business in the way you want to. RFID Wristbands could be seen as an easy-to-use payment tool or as a very easy-to-use method for checking people’s identity information. Smart RFID Wristband allows quicker and more secure entry and exit at crowded events. Smart RFID wristbands are useful in many businesses today. The innovations that we achieved have made it easier to incorporate wristbands into the industry. Smart RFID wristband has storage and data transfer capability. It can access the record loaded in its long – term memory. It has an information-sharing feature that allows communication of data. They are therefore goods that are ideal for smooth management of workflows. With the smart wristbands, you can make more room for technology in your business.
A blue RFID Tags Bracelet showcasing a white circular tag with "RFID" and the number "150.

RFID Tags Bracelet

Fiosrachadh mun chompanaidh Fujian RFID Solutions Co., Earr. is a leading RFID technology company specializing in the design and production of RFID Tags Bracelet. With a wide range of products, including adjustable, disposable,…

A vibrant orange RFID wristband featuring a circular central section showcasing "RFID" in white text, perfectly suited for RFID Wristband Solutions.

RFID Wristband Solutions

The RFID Wristband Solutions is a unique, stylish, and functional wrist-worn device made of environmentally friendly silicone material. It offers reusable and disposable options, and has applications across various industries,…

A 13.56 MHz RFID Wristband made of orange silicone, featuring a clasp, perforations for size adjustment, and integrated RFID technology.

13.56 mhz RFID Wristband

The 13.56 mhz RFID Wristband is a portable device based on RFID technology, designed for various applications such as cashless transactions, activity entrance and exit timings, and consumer behavior tracking.

Two Custom RFID Wristbands with oval shapes and black interiors; one features a pink exterior, and the other has a yellow exterior.

Custom RFID Wristband

Custom RFID wristbands are wearable gadgets that use radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to provide unique features and benefits. They are popular in various industries, such as healthcare, theme parks,…

Two RFID Custom Wristbands in rectangular silicone, one pink and the other yellow, arranged with a slight overlap and showing their inner linings.

RFID Custom Wristbands

RFID custom wristbands are wearable smart gadgets that use radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to monitor wearer’s whereabouts, manage medical information, and authenticate identity. Fujian RFID Solutions, a company dedicated

Two RFID Bracelets in blue and orange, rolled up with circular ends overlapping, ideal for wearing as silicone slap bracelets.

RFID Bracelet

The RFID Bracelet is a durable, eco-friendly wristband made of silicone, suitable for season ticket vouchers and loyalty programs. It features low-frequency 125KHz and high-frequency 13.56MHz chips, and can be

A collection of RFID Festival Wrist Bands in an array of colors such as purple, white, uaine, pinc, orains, agus dubh. Each wristband boasts a sleek rectangular design element on its surface.

RFID Festival Wrist Band

The RFID Festival Wrist Band is a lightweight, round RFID wristband made of silicon, available in various sizes for both adults and children. It can be manufactured using LF, HF,…

A RFID Wrist band featuring a blue adjustable rubber strap and a metallic button clasp, showcased on a white background.

RFID Wrist band

RFID wrist band are easy to wear, shockproof, waterproof, and resistant to extreme temperatures, making them ideal for humid settings like swimming pools and cooling warehouses. They can be customized

Product Description: A UHF RFID Wristband featuring an orange color, adjustable strap, and metal clasp. The letters "RFID" are printed in white on the surface.

UHF RFID Wristband

Ultra-high frequency (UHF) RFID wristbands combine traditional barcode wristbands with RFID technology, offering long reading distance, large information capacity, high recognition accuracy, and reusability. They are used in medical, entertainment,…

Two blue silicone rings featuring a wavy design, part of the RFID Wristband system, overlap against a white background.

RFID Wristband system

Fiosrachadh mun chompanaidh Fujian RFID Solutions Co., Earr. offers a comprehensive RFID wristband system, including readers, tags, a-staigh, and tags, for various industries. Their in-house research and development team ensures the latest specifications

Tha togalach gnìomhachais mòr liath le mòran uinneagan le dath gorm agus dà phrìomh dhoras na sheasamh gu pròiseil fo shoilleir, speur gorm. Air a chomharrachadh le suaicheantas "Pàirc Gnìomhachais PBZ," tha e a’ toirt a-steach ar “Mu ar deidhinn" misean a bhith a’ toirt seachad prìomh fhuasglaidhean gnìomhachais.

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Dèanadair Rfid Tag [Slàn-reic | OEM | ODM]
Sealladh farsaing air dìomhaireachd

Bidh an làrach-lìn seo a’ cleachdadh briosgaidean gus an urrainn dhuinn an t-eòlas cleachdaiche as fheàrr a thoirt dhut. Tha fiosrachadh cookie air a stòradh sa bhrobhsair agad agus bidh e a’ coileanadh gnìomhan leithid do aithneachadh nuair a thilleas tu chun làrach-lìn againn agus ar sgioba a chuideachadh gus tuigsinn dè na h-earrannan den làrach-lìn as inntinniche agus as fheumaile dhut..