Animal Micro Chip Scanner RFID


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Two white portable digital luggage scales, featuring blue buttons and display screens, utilize advanced technology akin to the Animal Micro Chip Scanner RFID, ensuring accurate readings and seamless operation.

Tuairisgeul goirid:

The Animal Micro Chip Scanner RFID is a low-frequency tag scanner designed for resource management, railway inspection, and small animal management. It uses wireless identification technology and has a high-brightness OLED display for clear information. The scanner is known for its stability, low power consumption, and user-friendly interface. Applications include small animal management, resource management, and railway inspection. The device operates on 134.2Khz/125Khz, supports EMID, FDX-B tags, and can be charged and accessed via USB.

Cuir post-d thugainn

Roinn sinn:

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh

The Animal Micro Chip Scanner RFID is a low-frequency tag scanner that utilizes wireless identification technology. It is intended for use in resource management, railway inspection, and small animal management. Due to its great stability, low power consumption, and excellent efficiency, this product is well-known in the market. From product concept to manufacturing, we are dedicated to giving people the greatest possible experience, always putting their needs first. Clear information is shown on the high-brightness OLED display, and users may feel more at ease using it thanks to its easy operation and consistent performance.
Animal Microchip Scanner RFID’s cutting-edge technology, dependable operation, and extensive application portfolio have made it one of the most reputable RFID tag scanners available. We think using this product will make your working life more convenient and productive.

Animal Micro Chip Scanner RFID

Technical Specifications

  • Wireless identification technology: Reading EMID, FDX-B (ISO11784/85), and other tags quickly and accurately using cutting-edge RFID technology.
  • High-brightness OLED display: It can guarantee good information display even in brightly lit areas, a’ leasachadh eòlas luchd-cleachdaidh.
  • Robust stability: Following extensive testing and validation, it guarantees steady functioning in intricate settings and lowers the failure percentage.
  • Simple operation: Users may get started without expert training thanks to the user-friendly interface and straightforward operating technique.

Animal Micro Chip Scanner RFID01

Domains of application

  • Small animal management: To increase the effectiveness of animal management, provide identifying and tracking services for stray animals, pets, and other animals.
  • Resource management: Keeping an eye on and controlling animals at zoos, wildlife refuges, and other locations in real-time to make sure resources are utilized sensibly.
  • Railway inspection: To enhance railway safety performance, equipment may be quickly identified and inspected by scanning RFID tags on railway infrastructure.




Tricead Obrach 134.2Khz/125Khz
Support Tag EMID,FDX-B(ISO11784/85)
Reading/writing range 2*12mm glass tube tag>5cm

30mm ear tag>15cm(depends on tag)

Standard ISO11784/85
Reading time <100ms
Prompt 0.91inch high brightness OLED, buzzer
Power supply 3.7V(Li-battery)
Memory 128 records
Communication USB2.0
Language English or customized
Working Temp -10℃~50℃
Storage Temp -30℃~70℃



(1) Turn on the device and scan.
Press the scan button to turn on the device and enter scanning mode.

(2) If a tag is detected, the tag number will be displayed on the screen. If no tag is detected, “No tag foundwill be displayed.

(3) The device can be charged and upload data via a USB cable.
When the device is connected via USB, “USBwill be displayed in the upper left corner and the battery status will displayCharging”.

Press and hold the scan button for 3 diogan. After the upload is successful, the following will be displayed.

If the scanner is connected via a USB cable, data can be uploaded in real-time when reading a tag.
(4) The scanner will turn off after 120 seconds of inactivity.

Animal Micro Chip Scanner RFID02

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