Disposable RFID Bracelet


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Disposable RFID Bracelet

Tuairisgeul goirid:

The Disposable RFID Bracelet is a secure and convenient identification and management tool that uses RFID technology for fast and accurate identification. It supports various applications such as event management, hotel services, and corporate access control. The wristband is designed to be soft, comfortable, and disposable, ensuring uniqueness and security while complying with environmental protection concepts. It features a beautiful, long-lasting design, is resistant to corrosion, shock, and waterproof, and can be printed using various methods. It can be used in sports timing, concert ticket, medical management, amusement park, and channel management wristbands.

Cuir post-d thugainn

Roinn sinn:

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh

The Disposable RFID Bracelet is an intelligent, convenient and secure identification and management tool. It uses RFID technology to achieve fast and accurate identification through the embedded RFID chip and supports a variety of application scenarios such as event management, hotel services, corporate access control, etc. The wristband is designed to be soft and comfortable, disposable, ensuring information uniqueness and security, while complying with environmental protection concepts. Whether it is to improve admission efficiency at large events or to achieve accurate access control management within the enterprise, the disposable RFID wristband can provide you with efficient and convenient solutions.

Disposable RFID Bracelet


Parameters of the disposable RFID bracelet:

  • 250 x 25 mm, adjustable product size
  • Operating frequency: 13.56 MHz (125 kHz) / 860 960 MHz
  • Chips like EM4100, TK 4100, T5577, EM4305, F08, MFS50, NF S70, N-TAG213/215/216, Ultralight, UCAODE 8, and others are available.
  • Operational protocols: ISO18000-6C, ISO18000-2, 14443A, 15693, etc.

Disposable RFID Bracelet01


Features of Disposable RFID Bracelets

  1. Beautiful, long-lasting, and non-fading design.
  2. The product resists corrosion, is shockproof, and is waterproof.
  3. To keep it from dropping, wear it right on your hand.
  4. A wide range of colors and designs are offered.
  5. The customer’s look design may be followed in its creation.
  6. Composite packaging is feasible, and several chips may be packed as needed.
  7. It is possible to spray ID codes, serial numbers, QR codes, barcodes, logos, etc.
  8. The method of printing This tool can generate flat coding, inkjet coding, offset printing, silk screen printing, pad printing, agus tuilleadh.

Disposable RFID Bracelet03

Use cases for the disposable RFID wristband:

Sports timing wristbands, concert ticket wristbands, medical management wristbands, amusement park wristbands, and channel management wristbands

Physical characteristics of the throwaway RFID wristband:

Type of wear: throwaway lock

Environment of use: -30 gu 60 degrees

Specifications of the disposable RFID bracelet’s chip:

Low-frequency, high-frequency, and UHF chips from the IMPINJ and ALIEN series are optional.

Tricead: 13.56 MHz, 915 MHz, 125 kHz.

Protocols used for communication: ISO7816, ISO1443A, ISO15693, and ISO18000-6C

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