EAS Bottle Tagging


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Eas Bottle Tagging

Tuairisgeul goirid:

Fiosrachadh mun chompanaidh Fujian RFID Solutions Co., Earr. offers 8.2MHz EAS Bottle Tagging for electronic products compatible with Checkpoints, designed to deter theft. The tag is adaptable to fit bottles of various thicknesses and features a Designer Super Detacher gadget for easy removal. With industry experience, strict quality standards, and a modern manufacturing base, Fujian offers high-quality products and services.

Cuir post-d thugainn

Roinn sinn:

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh

We provide 8.2MHz EAS Bottle Tagging for electronic products that is compatible with Checkpoints. This RF frequency is extremely adaptable and works well for practically all bottles to deter theft. It may be adjusted to fit bottles of almost any thickness, even extremely big bottles, and has a sturdy metal wire. The labor-saving Designer Super Detacher gadget makes it simple to remove with one hand at the point of sale. In addition to having an industry-leading detection range in case someone tries to take off with the bottle tag still attached, bottle tags serve as a potent visual deterrent to potential thieves.

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Product name EAS RF security bottle tag
Tricead 8.2MHz
Dimension Ø55mm, 48mmx42mm, 36mmx30mm etc
Iarrtas Shopping Malls, garment stores, retail stores, etc.
Stuth ABS plastic
Description Anti-theft EAS hard tag
Dath Black/Gray/White or Customized
Packing 500pcs/ctn 0.038cbm(42x30x30cm) 13kg


Why choose us

  • Deep industry experience: Fiosrachadh mun chompanaidh Fujian RFID Solutions Co., Earr. has been in the EAS industry for more than 10 years, focusing on the manufacturing and innovation of EAS products, including RF/AM hard tags, RF/AM soft tags, ink tags, RF/AM antenna detection systems, RF/AM deactivators, RF hand verifiers, lanyards, pins, magnetic detachers, self-alarm devices, and many other EAS accessories.
  • Internationally recognized brand: We have many well-known large customers in Europe, North America, Australia, and Japan, and our products are trusted and well-received by customers.
  • Strict quality standards: Our products have passed authoritative tests such as ROSH, AOV, SGS, etc., with excellent quality, so you have no worries.
  • Excellent service system: Fiosrachadh mun chompanaidh Fujian RFID Solutions Co., Earr. is committed to providing customers with high-quality services. Our professional team will provide you with personalized advice and solutions to ensure that your needs are met.
  • Advanced production base: We have a modern manufacturing base of more than 20,000 meatairean ceàrnagach, equipped with 5 efficient production lines and first-class fully automated equipment. At the same time, we have a strong R&D team to ensure high production capacity, excellent quality, and short delivery time of our products.
  • Flexible order policy: We accept orders of all sizes and will provide you with the same high-quality products and services regardless of size.

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