Fabric RFID Bracelet


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Fabric RFID Bracelet

Tuairisgeul goirid:

The Fabric RFID Bracelet is a waterproof NFC bracelet suitable for various environments, including beaches, amaran-snàmh, and sports clubs. It has an IP68 waterproof rating and is equipped with advanced RFID technology, supporting 125 kHz LF, 13.56 MHz HF, and UHF IC. The wristbands are customizable with logo printing, serial number, barcode, QR, and UID number printing. They are suitable for events, festivals, weddings, parties, elections, promotions, clubs, bars, souvenirs, decorations, activities, assemblies, concerts, schools, and travel agencies. The bracelets have received credible quality certifications, including ISO9001, SGS, agus ROHS.

Cuir post-d thugainn

Roinn sinn:

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh

Fabric RFID Bracelet is an ideal choice for places such as beaches, amaran-snàmh, water parks, spas, gyms, and sports clubs, especially for those scenarios that require waterproof NFC bracelets for RFID access control applications. This Fabric RFID Bracelet has an excellent IP68 waterproof rating, ensuring stable operation in various wet environments. A bharrachd air, it has multiple advantages such as durability, environmental protection, heat resistance, and anti-allergy, adding more peace of mind to your use experience.

All Fabric RFID Bracelets we provide are equipped with advanced RFID technology and support 125 kHz LF, 13.56 MHz HF, and UHF IC to meet the needs of different application scenarios. These wristbands are not only suitable for the above-mentioned places, but also widely used in swimming pools, laundry centers, sauna centers, buffet consumption, and attendance management, providing convenient and efficient solutions for your daily life and work.

Fabric RFID Bracelet


Physical Features:

Operating Frequency HF(13.56mhz) /LF(125khz)
Pròtacal ISO14443A.ISO11785/11786
Stuth Nylon NL008
Wristband Size Dial: 37*40mm

Band: 302*18mm

Working Temp -30℃~+75℃
RFID Features:
125khz Chip Available TK 4100, EM4200 etc
13.56mhz Chip Available F08,S50, ntag 213 etc
Reading Range 1~5cm (depending on the power of readers)
Other Features:
Customization Logo Printing, Serial Number, Barcode, QR, UID number printing,


Uisge-dhìonach Tha
Colors customized
Main Features Goireas, Wearing, Uisge-dhìonach, disposable etc
MOQ 500pcs
Iarrtasan Events, festivals, weddings, parties, elections, promotions, advertisements, clubs, bars, souvenirs, decorations, activities, assemblies, concerts, schools, travel agencies, etc.

Fabric RFID Bracelet01


The following are the characteristics of RFID nylon wristbands:

  • Rich color selection: The wristband’s color can be tailored to your preferences, offering a range of options like two- and single-color options. It can also be precisely matched to the PMS (Pantone Matching System) standard color card to guarantee color consistency and accuracy.
  • Different LOGO printing techniques: To satisfy the demands of our diverse clientele, we provide an array of LOGO printing techniques, including screen printing, embossing, gravure, laser cutting, agus tuilleadh, to enhance the quality and personalization of your wristband.
  • Superior grade nylon: Because it is made of premium nylon, the wristband should be very comfortable, durable, and waterproof. A bharrachd, nylon material provides qualities that make your usage more guaranteed, such as heat resistance, anti-allergy, and environmental protection.
  • Broad temperature tolerance: When stored and used, the bracelet can continue to function reliably in a variety of temperatures. Normal usage in a variety of conditions is ensured by the temperature ranges of -40 gu 100 degrees Celsius for storage and -40 gu 120 degrees Celsius for operation.
  • Credible quality certification: Our products have obtained several credible quality certifications, including ISO9001, SGS, agus ROHS, guaranteeing that their performance and quality satisfy industry norms and global benchmarks.
  • Variety of RFID chips available: We provide a range of RFID chips, including LF, HF, UHF, and dual-frequency, for your pick in addition to a few HF chips. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any further demands; we will do all in our power to meet your needs.

Fabric RFID Bracelet03


Protocol ISO/IEC 14443A:

1. MIFARE Classic® 1K, MIFARE Classic® EV1 1K, MIFARE Classic® 4K MIFARE and MIFARE Classic are registered trademarks of NXP B.V. and are used under license.

  1. MIFARE Plus® S 1K, MIFARE Plus® S 1K SE, MIFARE Plus® S 2K / S 4K, MIFARE Plus® X 2K / X 4K, MIFAREPlus® EV1 2K / 4KMIFARE and MIFARE Plus have registered trademarks of NXP B.V. and are used under license.
  2. MIFARE® DESFire®

MIFARE® DESFire® 2K / EV1 2K / EV2 2K

MIFARE® DESFire® 4K / EV1 4K / EV2 4K

MIFARE® DESFire® 8K / EV1 8K / EV2 8K

MIFARE DESFire is a registered trademark of NXP B.V. and is used under license.

  1. NFC Forum Type 2:

1) NTAG® 203 (144 bytes), NTAG® 213 (144bytes), NTAG® 215 (504 bytes), NTAG® 216(888 bytes), NTAG® 210 (48 bytes), NTAG® 212 (128 bytes) NTAG® are registered trademarks of NXP B.V. and are used under license.

2) MIFARE Ultralight® (48 bytes) MIFARE Ultralight® EV1 (48 bytes/128 bytes) MIFARE Ultralight® C(148 bytes)

MIFARE and MIFARE Ultralight are registered trademarks of NXP B.V. and are used under license.


Protocol ISO 15693/ISO 18000-3:


ICODE® are registered trademarks of NXP B.V. and are used under license.



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