Fob iuchair leathair airson RFID


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The Leather key fob for RFID (2) seata, featuring two black leather key fobs with rectangular tags attached to metal rings, is displayed against a plain white background.

Tuairisgeul goirid:

The Leather key fob for RFID is a stylish and durable accessory made from high-quality leather. It features a sleek, compact design, a metal ring and clip for easy installation and removal, and is compatible with all door entry systems. The keychain is water-resistant and compatible with all RFID readers, making it a convenient and smart option for access control, hotel locks, staff attendance, and security systems.

Cuir post-d thugainn

Roinn sinn:

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh

The Leather key fob for RFID is a stylish and durable accessory for storing and organizing your keys. It’s made from high-quality leather and has a sleek, compact design that holds the keys securely. The keychain includes a metal ring and clip that allows for easy installation and removal of the key, ensuring ease of use. Its sleek design adds elegance to any set of keys while also providing practicality and functionality in organizing your keys. The leather key fob also features RFID technology, providing an extra layer of security for your keys. This allows for convenient, contactless entry to secure locations or vehicles equipped with RFID technology. The durable leather construction ensures that the key fob will withstand daily use and maintain its stylish appearance for years to come.

Fob iuchair leathair airson RFID (3)


Paramadairean toraidh

  • Dath: Red yellow blue green black etc
  • This order: UID(Compatible)chips
  • Meud:54x37mm
  • Stuth: Leather
  • Operation frequency: 13.56Mhz
  • Detecting distance: 3-10cm
  • Compatible with all Door Entry system
  • Easy to carry
  • Water-resistant


Technical parameters

Stuth Leather
Pròtacal ISO14443A, ISO15693
Tricead 125Khz, 13.56Mhz
Printing Silk-printing Logo, one color or two colors
Crafts more Laser engraved number, Serial number
Dath Gorm, dearg, grey, buidhe, dubh
Value added Data encoded, UID list provided
Work Temp -20℃-50℃
Data Retain >10 years
Read/Write >1,000,000 times



Application of Leather key fob

Each comes with a Keyring that is Compatible with all RFID readers to gain access No external power is required. Brand new key inductive card for entrance guard system. It applies to access control, hotel locks, staff attendance, and school campus access and payment control, identification and security systems, parking lot entry and payment, social security management, transportation payment, and municipal and ancillary service payment.

RFID Key fob is a good option for access control, as it is a more convenient and smart look. The high performance of Leather housing, the tag is waterproof and anti-drop. We can also customize the logo on the tags and print the serial number.


Available chip

Model Tricead Read/Write Memory Pròtacal Brand
TK 4100 125Khz R/O 64 bit Taiwan
EM4305 125Khz R/W 512 bit ISO11784/785 EM
T5557 125Khz R/W 363 bit ISO11784/785 ATMEL
HITAG 1 125Khz R/W 2K bit NXP
HITAG 2 125Khz R/W 256 bit ISO11784/785 NXP
MIFARE Classic 1K 13.56Mhz R/W 1K byte ISO14443A NXP
MIFARE Classic 4K 13.56Mhz R/W 4k byte ISO14443A NXP
MIFAER Ultralight 13.56Mhz R/W 512 bit ISO14443A NXP
MIFAER Ultralight C 13.56Mhz R/W 1536 bit ISO14443A NXP
MIFARE Desfire EV1 2K 13.56Mhz R/W 2K byte ISO14443A NXP
MIFARE Desfire EV1 4K 13.56Mhz R/W 4K byte ISO14443A NXP
MIFARE Desfire EV1 8K 13.56Mhz R/W 8K byte ISO14443A NXP
MIFARE Plus S2K/X2K 13.56Mhz R/W 2K byte ISO14443A NXP
MIFARE Plus S4K/X4K 13.56Mhz R/W 4K byte ISO14443A NXP
ICODE SLI 13.56Mhz R/W 1024 bit ISO14443A NXP
NTAG 213 13.56Mhz R/W 144 byte ISO14443A NXP
NTAG 215 13.56Mhz R/W 504 byte ISO14443A NXP
NTAG 216 13.56Mhz R/W 888 byte ISO14443A NXP
HITAG S256 13.56Mhz R/W 256 bit ISO11784 NXP

Fàg do Theachdaireachd


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